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AJA Policies and Fees

Collection Policy

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The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives identifies, collects, and preserves records of enduring value that document American Jewish life. Its collection development program reflects the diversity and distinctiveness of the North American Jewish community.

Core Areas of Interest

As one of the world's largest archives for the study of North American Jewry, the American Jewish Archives collects major records that relate to Jewish life in the Americas. It focuses intently on four core areas of interest:

  • The records of American Jewish personalities and institutions deemed to possess historical significance;
  • The records of American Reform Judaism—its institutions and significant personalities;
  • The records of American Jewish communities—with a special focus on the records of Cincinnati Jewry;
  • The records of the Hebrew Union College–Jewish Institute of Religion.

The American Jewish Archives may periodically elect to acquire and maintain other records of special significance. When considering collections that relate to Jewish life outside of the United States of America, the American Jewish Archives will carefully consider accepting those records that have extraordinary research or historical value.

Administering the Collection Policy

It is the responsibility of the Marcus Center's Associate Director—in consultation with the archival professionals on staff at the American Jewish Archives—to set policy vis-a-vis the accession or deaccession of records. As a rule, the Marcus Center does not purchase any manuscripts or archival materials. We urge both individuals and organizations to contact the American Jewish Archives before sending unsolicited donations. Unsolicited records will be subject to review on the basis of the foregoing criteria. With respect to historically significant records and documents that do not belong in its collection, the American Jewish Archives attempts to ensure their preservation in an appropriate archival center.

All donors to The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives will be expected to complete a Donor Agreement Form.

Advancing the Fundamental Mission of the American Jewish Archives

Our institutional motto, "Preserving American Jewish History," gives expression to the fundamental mission of the American Jewish Archives. As part of this mission, the American Jewish Archives will cooperate in the development of local, regional, and synagogue archives by promoting their development and maintenance, and by fostering a fruitful interaction.

Duplication Policy & Procedures

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The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives is a not-for-profit research center. We are pleased to provide the public free access to our vast collection of materials on the American Jewish experience. Fees are charged for duplication services only. These funds are used to defray costs and to ensure the highest standards of service to the public. The American Jewish Archives accepts payment in cash, check, or credit card.

The AJA reserves the right to deny any duplication request if duplication may cause damage to original materials.

Publication and Use Policy

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Copying of Photographs, Film, and Other Materials for Publication or Exhibit

Researchers wishing to publish, exhibit, or redistribute (hereafter “publish” or “publication”) photographs, audio/visual materials, and other materials from collections in The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives for which the AJA owns the property rights and/or copyright must have the written approval of the AJA to do so.

All usage of reproduced, copied, or quoted material must credit:

  • the specific collection;
  • the Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives
  • and the photographer (if applicable) or record creator (if applicable)

All requests to publish must be submitted in writing. (Please use the Ask an Archivist! form.) Requests to publish should include:

  • information about the forthcoming publication (including format [for example, print, microform media, or electronic], title, expected date of publication, name of author);
  • name of publisher; and
  • clear information about the item(s) to be published (name of author or creator, name of collection, date of creation, page or item numbers, where available).

In addition, it is the responsibility of the user to obtain permission to publish from the owner of the copyright (the institution, the creator of the record, the author or his/her transferees, heirs, legatees, or executors). The AJA reserves the right to extend or withhold permission for publication of its intellectual property when copyright for the selected images has been retained by the AJA. In many cases, the AJA can give permission only as holders of physical objects. When copyright is not retained by the AJA, it will refer users requesting permissions for publication to potential image copyright owners whenever possible. The owner of the copyright may charge fees in addition to those charged by the AJA.

Permission to publish materials from the collections of The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives, when approved, is granted for one-time, nonexclusive use to publish a single edition in a single format or to display a reproduction for a limited time in a specified location. The person making the request (publisher, editor, or author) shall furnish the AJA, without charge, one copy of the publication (book, article, periodical, or TV production, etc.) in which the copied material appears.