Major manuscript collections at the AJA
AJA Finding Aids
Finding aids are guides/inventories to the AJA's major manuscript collections which contain more than one box of materials. They often include useful background information on the person or organization and a container list of the collection's contents. Finding aids are not available for other types of collections, but you may search for all collections in our online catalog.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Finding Aid?
Finding aids are guides/inventories to the AJA's major manuscript collections which contain more than one box of materials. They often include useful background information on the person or organization and a container list of the collection's contents.
Where are Finding Aids Located?
Aside from the list of finding aids sorted alphabetically or numerically on this webpage, the finding aid is attached as a pdf to each manuscript collection’s catalog record. For our digital collections, the finding aid is identified as “inventory.”
How do I access materials described in the finding aid?
Note the manuscript collection number (for example MS-101), box, and folder number for the items and send a request through email or the Ask an Archivist form. For our digital collections, the digitized material is available via link on the finding aid.
- Aaron Family Papers. 1880-1990. [MS-621]
- Aaronsohn (Michael) Papers. 1915-1976. [MS-511]
- Abelson (Paul) Papers. 1892-1954 (bulk 1900-1920). [MS-4]
- Adler (Robert S.) Papers. 1945-1967. [MS-150]
- Adler (Samuel) Papers. 1856-1873. [MS-423]
- Adler (Selig) Papers. 1921-1961 (bulk 1952-1960). [MS-478]
- Aloha Jewish Chapel (Pearl Harbor, Hawaii) Records. 1974-1979. [MS-168]
- Alpert (David B.) Papers. 1940-1956. [MS-182]
- Altman (Harold N.) Papers. 1940-1966. [MS-489]
- Altshool Family Genealogical Collection. Undated. [MS-883]
- Amateau (Albert J.) Records. 1937-1995. [MS-604]
- American Conference of Cantors (Chicago, Ill.) Records. 1951-2005. [MS-764]
- American Council for Judaism Records. 1937-1968 (bulk 1957-1961). [MS-17]
- American Jewish Alternatives to Zionism, Inc. Records. 1968-1982. [MS-191]
- American Jewish Archives Records. 1937-1998. [MS-687]
- American Jewish Committee (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1966-1991. [MS-703]
- American Jewish Committee Records. 1917-1987 (bulk 1933-1984). [MS-780]
- American Jewish Conference Records. 1943-1944. [MS-428]
- American Pro-Falasha Committee Records. 1922-1949. [MS-61]
- Amos: The National Jewish Partnership for Social Justice Records. 1991-2002. [MS-701]
- Angel (Camillus) Papers. 1916-1980. [MS-250]
- Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry on Palestine Collection. 1929-1986. [MS-163]
- Anti-Semitism Collection. 1954-1964. [MS-290]
- Aronson (Samuel Schwartz) Papers. 1914-1948. [MS-625]
- Association for Jewish Studies Records. 1969-2006. [MS-905]
- Association for the Protection of Jewish Immigrants (Philadelphia, Pa.) Records. 1884-1949. [MS-218]
- Association of Hillel and Jewish Campus Professionals Records. 1948-1990. [MS-104]
- Association of Jewish Center Workers Records. 1951-1986. [MS-654]
- Association of Jewish Libraries Records. 1950-1996. [MS-115]
- Association of Orthodox Jewish Teachers of the New York City Public Schools Records. 1963-2003. [MS-719]
- Atchik (Isaak) Papers. Undated. [MS-440]
- Auslender (Katharine Slohm) Papers. 1934-1956. [MS-750]
- B'nai B'rith Anti-Defamation League Records. 1985-1987. [MS-365]
- B'nai B'rith Arnon Lodge No. 39 (New York, N.Y.) Records. 1859-1902. [MS-374]
- B'nai B'rith B'er Chayim Lodge No. 117 (Cumberland, Md.) Records. 1872-1887. [MS-372]
- B'nai B'rith Braddock Lodge No. 516 (Braddock, Pa.) Records. 1901-1951. [MS-332]
- B'nai B'rith District Grand Lodge No. 6 Records. 1851-1980. [MS-508]
- B'nai B'rith District Grand Lodge No. 7 (Memphis, Tenn.) Records. 1917-1976. [MS-180]
- B'nai B'rith District No. 2 (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1904-1978 (bulk 1940-1978). [MS-36]
- B'nai B'rith Esora Lodge No. 236 (Huntsville, Ala.) Records. 1875-1950. [MS-331]
- B'nai B'rith Ezra Lodge No. 134 (Natchez, Miss.) Records. 1878-1926. [MS-541]
- B'nai B'rith Gideon Lodge No. 140 (Albany, N.Y.) Records. 1870-1932. [MS-377]
- B'nai B'rith Grand Prairie Lodge No. 281 Records. 1867-1945. [MS-96]
- B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation (University of Cincinnati) Records. 1990-1998. [MS-629]
- B'nai B'rith International Archives. 1843-2015, undated. [MS-900]
- B'nai B'rith Isidor Bush Lodge No. 557 (St. Louis, Mo.) Records. 1903-1905. [MS-371]
- B'nai B'rith Medad Lodge No. 216 (New York, N.Y.) Records. 1874-1892. [MS-376]
- B'nai B'rith New York Lodge No. 1 (New York, N.Y.) Records. 1855-1884. [MS-375]
- B'nai B'rith Parkersburg Lodge No. 767 (Parkersburg, W. Va.) Records. 1915-1957. [MS-378]
- B'nai B'rith Philatelic Service Collection. 1970-. [MS-411]
- B'nai B'rith Sholem Lodge No. 78 (Leavenworth, Kan.) Records. 1866-1927. [MS-537]
- B'nai B'rith Temple (Los Angeles, Calif.) Records. 1895-1909. [MS-577]
- B'nai B'rith Trinidad Lodge No. 293 (Trinidad, Colo.) Records. 1878-1960. [MS-373]
- B'nai B'rith Women Records. 1947-1985. [MS-284]
- B'nai B'rith Youth Organization Records. 1958-1981 (bulk 1970-1980). [MS-97]
- B'nai Sholom Temple (Quincy, Ill.) Records. 1841-2018. [MS-927]
- B'nai Zion Congregation (Shreveport, Louisiana) Records. 1940-1981. [MS-651]
- Bacharach (Harry B.) Papers. 1900-1933. [MS-447]
- Bacharach (Isaac) Papers. 1882-1956. [MS-449]
- Baltimore Hebrew Congregation (Baltimore, Md.) Records. 1830-1977. [MS-369]
- Bamberger (Barnard J.) Papers. 1909-1979. [MS-660]
- Bamberger (Fritz) Papers. 1947-1966. [MS-78]
- Barack (Stephan F.) Papers. 1970-2007. [MS-777]
- Barnard (Harry) Papers. 1889-1975. [MS-47]
- Barnston (The Alfred J.) Stamp Collection. 1940-1996. [MS-916]
- Baron (Joseph Louis) Papers. 1916-1960. [MS-424]
- Barondess (Joseph) Papers. 1912-1928. [MS-507]
- Baruch (Bernard Mannes) Papers. 1918-1962. [MS-559]
- Baum (Albert Gustavus) Papers. 1938-1970. [MS-412]
- Becker (James Herman) Papers. 1917-1927. [MS-536]
- Beifield (Martin P. and Doris J.) Correspondence. 1943-1945. [MS-913]
- Ben-Ami (David Z.) Papers. 1952-2002. [MS-699]
- Ben-Horin (Meir) Papers. 1943-1988. [MS-129]
- Bender (Rose I.) Papers. 1912-1950. [MS-46]
- Bennett (Alan D.) Papers. 1937-2010. [MS-874]
- Berger (Graenum) Papers. 1940-1989. [MS-352]
- Berger (Samuel D.) Papers. 1927-1996 (bulk 1953-1972). [MS-845]
- Berkowitz (Henry) Papers. 1878-1923. [MS-25]
- Berman (Morton Mayer) Papers. 1929-1976. [MS-314]
- Bessarabian Society of Boston (Boston, MA) Records. 1927-1952. [MS-288]
- Beth Emet The Free Synagogue (Evanston, IL) Records. 1950-1962. [MS-303]
- Beth Hillel Temple (Kenosha, Wis.) Records. 1925-1960. [MS-58]
- Beth Israel The West Temple (Cleveland, Ohio) Records. 1910-2008 (bulk 1954-2008). [MS-784]
- Bettan (Israel) Israel. 1907-1976. [MS-618]
- Bettman (Iphigene) Papers. 1900-1964. [MS-667]
- Bettmann (Bernhard) Papers. 1846-1945. [MS-473]
- Bial (Morrison D.) Papers. 1970-1980. [MS-813]
- Biblio Press Collection. 1978-2001. [MS-669]
- Big Apple Tzedekah Cooperative (New York, N.Y.) Records. 1976-1985. [MS-606]
- Big Brothers/Big Sisters Association of Cincinnati Records. 1913-2010 (bulk 1950-2000). [MS-852]
- Billikopf (Jacob) Papers. 1857-1951 (bulk 1930-1950). [MS-13]
- Binder (Abraham W.) Papers. 1924-1969. [MS-765]
- Binstock (Louis) Papers. 1933-1973. [MS-337]
- Binswanger (Augustus) Papers. 1861-1933. [MS-234]
- Blank (Sheldon Haas) Papers. 1917-1976. [MS-730]
- Blank (Solomon Henry) Papers. 1866-1965. [MS-364]
- Bleiweiss (Robert M.) Papers. 1931-2001 (bulk 1978-1998). [MS-760]
- Block (Kenneth B.) Papers. 1974-1999 (bulk 1980-1985). [MS-811]
- Bloom (Maurice Joshua) Papers. 1936-1945. [MS-496]
- Bloom (Robert and Jessie) Papers. 1897-1980. [MS-93]
- Bloom Family Papers. 1875-1980 (bulk 1901-1940). [MS-842]
- Bloom, Wiener, and Fischer Family Collection. 1850-1999, undated. [MS-923]
- Bloomfield-Zeisler (Fannie) Papers. 1882-1927. [MS-587]
- Bluestein (Judith) Papers. 1980-2014. [MS-893]
- Blumenfield (Samuel M.) Papers. Circa 1940-1960. [MS-791]
- Blumenthal (Ralph H.) papers. 1937-1940. [MS-623]
- Blumenthal (Walter H.) Papers. 1931. [MS-229]
- Board of Jewish Education of Greater New York (New York, N.Y.) Records. 1920-1982. [MS-706]
- Board, The (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1964-2003. [MS-789]
- Bogen (Boris D.) Papers. 1891-1929 (bulk 1920-1929). [MS-3]
- Borowitz (Eugene B.) Papers. 1945-1999. [MS-875]
- Brandeis University National Women's Committee (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1950-1991. [MS-609]
- Braude (Abraham Samuel) Papers. 1954-1992. [MS-591]
- Braude (Chiene R.) Papers. 1923-1970. [MS-227]
- Braude (William G.) Papers. 1930-1987. [MS-509]
- Brav (Stanley R.) Papers . 1937-1980. [MS-152]
- Brazil (Jewish Oral History Project) Records. 1979-1986. [MS-409]
- Breira (Paul M. Foer) Collection. 1975-1984. [MS-771]
- Brezner Beneficial Society of Boston (Boston, MA) Records. 1932-1949. [MS-287]
- Brickner (Balfour) Papers. 1951-2005 (bulk 1970-2000). [MS-776]
- Brickner (Barnett and Rebecca A.) Papers. 1905-1981. [MS-98]
- Brief (Neil) Papers. 1962-1970. [MS-814]
- Bronstein (Herbert) Papers. 1952-1997. [MS-821]
- Brooklyn Jewish Community Council (Brooklyn, N.Y.) Records. 1945-1960. [MS-164]
- Brooks (Sidney H.) Papers. 1871-1992. [MS-642]
- Brower (Robert A.) Papers. 1941-1945. [MS-300]
- Brown (David A.) Papers. 1894-1959 (bulk 1930-1936). [MS-18]
- Brown (John Carter) Papers. 1759-1816. [MS-453]
- Browne (E. B. M.) Papers. 1865-1929. [MS-639]
- Burgheim (David) Papers. Late Nineteenth Century. [MS-470]
- Canada (Memoirs of Holocaust Survivors) Collection. 1906-1984. [MS-645]
- Canann (Don) Papers. 1986-2010. [MS-708]
- Carlin (Aaron) Papers. 1919-1945. [MS-474]
- Celebrate 350 Records. 1998-2006. [MS-757]
- Central Conference of American Rabbis Records. 1885-2007. [MS-34]
- Central Conference of American Rabbis Task Force on Women in the Rabbinate Records. 1976-1991. [MS-677]
- Central Conference of American Rabbis. Great Lakes Ohio Valley Region Records. 1961-1986. [MS-351]
- Central Synagogue (New York, N.Y.) Records. 1859-1932. [MS-544]
- Chajes (Julius) Papers. 1934-1985. [MS-714]
- Chancery Court of the City of Richmond Records. 1792-1910. [MS-491]
- Charleston, S.C. (Jews of) Collection. 1740-1865. [MS-350]
- Chicago Sinai Congregation (Chicago, Ill.) Records. 1861-1976. [MS-56]
- Chochem Club (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1948-1990. [MS-611]
- Chyet (Stanley Franklin) Papers. 1952-2001. [MS-726]
- Cincinnati Bureau of Jewish Education (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1890-1998. [MS-761]
- Cincinnati Community Hebrew Schools (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1956-1992. [MS-51]
- Cincinnati Hadassah Chapter Records. 1921-1991. [MS-652]
- Cincinnati Reform Jewish High School Records. 1982-2000. [MS-657]
- Coalition for the Advancement of Jewish Education Records. 1976-2008. [MS-775]
- Cohen (Benjamin V.) Papers. 1902-1982 (bulk 1919-1935). [MS-65]
- Cohen (Henry) Papers. 1875-1952. [MS-263]
- Cohen (Henry) Papers. 1964-1993. [MS-664]
- Cohen (Jacob X.) Papers. 1904-1971. [MS-146]
- Cohen (Joseph and Barton) Papers. 1902-2005. [MS-778]
- Cohen (Oscar) Papers. 1955-1985 (bulk 1975-1985). [MS-294]
- Cohen (Philip T.) Papers. 1962-1992. [MS-827]
- Cohen (Simon) Papers. 1911-1971. [MS-77]
- Cohen Family Papers. 1781-1953. [MS-223]
- Cohn (Edward Paul) Correspondence. 1974-2003. [MS-815]
- Cohn (Fletcher G.) Papers. 1899-1982. [MS-214]
- Cohon (A. Irma) Papers. 1918-1979. [MS-617]
- Cohon (Samuel S.) Papers. 1905-1984 (bulk 1915-1959). [MS-276]
- Combined Generations of the Holocaust Records. 1963-1989. [MS-678]
- Community Relations Committee (Los Angeles, California) Records. 1938-1941. [MS-619]
- Congregation Aaron (Trinidad, Colo.) Records. 1883-1956. [MS-318]
- Congregation Achduth Vesholom (Fort Wayne, Ind.) Records. 1861-1937. [MS-333]
- Congregation B'nai B'rith (Wilkes-Barre, PA) Records. 1891-1970. [MS-309]
- Congregation B'nai Israel (Baton Rouge, La.) Records. 1882-1944. [MS-385]
- Congregation B'nai Israel (Elmira, N.Y.) Records. 1862-1929. [MS-529]
- Congregation B'nai Israel (Jackson, Tenn.) Records. 1912-1931. [MS-533]
- Congregation B'nai Israel (Parkersburg, W. Va.) Records. 1909-1956. [MS-427]
- Congregation B'nai Israel (Williamson, W. Va.) Records. 1913-1988. [MS-781]
- Congregation B'nai Jehudah (Kansas City, Mo.) Records. 1870-1989. [MS-715]
- Congregation B'nai Zion (Danville, Pa.) Records. 1890-1946. [MS-476]
- Congregation Bene Israel (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1829-1960 (bulk 1920-1960). [MS-24]
- Congregation Bene Yeshurun (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1841-1968 (bulk 1900-1960). [MS-62]
- Congregation Beth Adam (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1980-2002. [MS-696]
- Congregation Beth Ahabah (Richmond, VA) Records. 1789-1935. [MS-298]
- Congregation Beth El (Albany, N.Y.) Records. 1847-1885. [MS-518]
- Congregation Beth Elohim (Brooklyn, New York, N.Y.) Records. 1861-1905. [MS-523]
- Congregation Beth Emeth (Albany, N.Y.) Records. 1843-1907. [MS-429]
- Congregation Beth Israel (Atlantic City, N.J.) Records. 1891-1941. [MS-519]
- Congregation Beth Israel (Austin, Tex.) Records. 1876-1945. [MS-520]
- Congregation Beth Israel (Houston, Tex.) Records. 1943-1968. [MS-132]
- Congregation Beth Jacob (Newburgh, N.Y.) Records. 1861-1924. [MS-328]
- Congregation Beth Shalom (Brooklyn, New York, N.Y.) Records. 1949-1965. [MS-572]
- Congregation Beth Shalom (East Liverpool, Ohio) Records. 1921-1969. [MS-602]
- Congregation Beth Zion (Buffalo, N.Y.) Records. 1866-1910. [MS-524]
- Congregation Brith Sholom (Louisville, Ky.) Records. 1880-1915. [MS-538]
- Congregation Emanu-El (New York, N.Y.) Records. 1980-1989, 2004-2007. [MS-756]
- Congregation Emanu-El B'ne Jeshurun (Milwaukee, WI) Records. 1880-1956. [MS-308]
- Congregation Gates of Prayer (New Orleans, La.) Records. 1870-1911. [MS-421]
- Congregation Mikveh Israel (Philadelphia, Pa.) Records. 1781-1936. [MS-552]
- Congregation Oheb Sholom (Reading, Pa.) Records. 1864-1923. [MS-400]
- Congregation Rodeph Shalom (Philadelphia, Pa.) Records. 1802-1966. [MS-517]
- Congregation Shaaray Tefila (New York, N.Y.) Records. 1835-1908. [MS-367]
- Congregation Shari Eli (Philadelphia, Pa.) Records. 1909-1980 (bulk 1930-1970). [MS-624]
- Congregation Tree of Life (Pittsburgh, Pa.) Records. 1858-1917. [MS-531]
- Coordinating Board of Jewish Organizations Records. 1949-1953. [MS-76]
- Corets (Bertha V.) Papers. 1930-1965 (bulk 1933-1940). [MS-307]
- Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds Records. 1947-1988. [MS-585]
- Cowen (Philip) Papers. 1882-1941. [MS-477]
- Cronbach (Abraham) Papers. 1902-1965 (bulk 1920-1960). [MS-9]
- Current Topics Club (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1935-1999. [MS-610]
- Currick (Max C.) Papers. 1915-1947. [MS-120]
- Dainow (Joseph) Papers. 1891-1978 (bulk 1922-1978). [MS-111]
- Davidson (Carrie) Papers. 1904-1955. [MS-277]
- Davidson (Walter A.) Records. 1925-1981. [MS-595]
- Davis (Maurice) Papers. 1947-1985. [MS-273]
- De Castro (Adolphe Danziger) Papers. 1895-1965. [MS-348]
- Deitz (David) Papers. 1926-1977. [MS-87]
- Dennery Family Papers. 1813-2000. [MS-698]
- Derby (Matthew I.) Papers. 1955-1981. [MS-232]
- Deutsch (Gotthard) Papers. 1859-1922 (bulk 1900-1920). [MS-123]
- Deutsch (Siegfried) Papers. 1916-1979. [MS-707]
- Dickstein (Samuel) Papers. 1923-1944. [MS-8]
- Diesendruck (Zevi Hirsch Wolf) Papers. 1926-1967. [MS-462]
- Dollinger-Levy Family History. Circa 1992. [MS-592]
- Dresner (Samuel H.) Papers. 1968-1981. [MS-233]
- Dreyfus (Stanley) Papers. 1935-2008 (bulk 1960-2001). [MS-819]
- Eden (Nachum and Sham G.) Papers. 1911-2003 (bulk 1960-2000). [MS-851]
- Ehrenfried (Albert) Papers. 1853-1951 (bulk 1901-1951). [MS-28]
- Eichhorn (David M.) Papers. 1955-1974. [MS-79]
- Einhorn (David) Papers. 1855-1909. [MS-155]
- Eisenberg (Matthew J.) Papers. 1919-1991. [MS-808]
- Eisendrath (Maurice N.) Papers. 1924-1973. [MS-167]
- Elbogen (Ismar) Papers. 1898-1938. [MS-110]
- Elias Family Papers. 1890-1990. [MS-832]
- Emma Lazarus Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs Records. 1921-1989 (bulk 1960-1985). [MS-583]
- Enelow (Hyman G.) Papers. 1897-1933. [MS-11]
- Englander (Henry) Papers. 1897-1970 (bulk 1901-1948). [MS-151]
- Eoff Street Temple (Wheeling, W. Va.) Records. 1849-1909. [MS-556]
- Eppstein (Elias) Papers. 1871-1903. [MS-220]
- Epstein (Ellen) Oral History Project. 1972-1989. [MS-438]
- Ettelson (Harry William) Papers. 1920-1973. [MS-510]
- Evans (Jane) Papers. 1921-2001. [MS-745]
- Every Friday Records. 1949-1961. [MS-225]
- Ezekiel (Herbert T.) Papers. 1888-1956. [MS-319]
- Ezekiel (Jacob) Papers. 1817-1921. [MS-452]
- Ezekiel (Moses J.) Papers. 1864-1974 (bulk 1864-1921). [MS-44]
- Ezring (Sheldon) Papers. 1969-1983. [MS-643]
- Fane (Irvin) Papers. 1933-1969. [MS-177]
- Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York (New York, N.Y.) Records. 1981-1987. [MS-437]
- Federation of Jewish Women's Organizations (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1920-1977 (bulk 1923-1977). [MS-52]
- Feibelman (Julian B.) Papers. 1904-1980 (bulk 1950-1970). [MS-94]
- Feinberg (Abraham H.) Papers. 1926-1947. [MS-85]
- Feinberg (Abraham L.) Papers. 1901-1990 (bulk 1930-1970). [MS-588]
- Feinberg (Louis) Papers. 1909-1948. [MS-747]
- Feinsilver (Alexander) Papers. 1955-1971. [MS-399]
- Feldman (Abraham J.) Papers. 1906-1977 (bulk 1930-1970). [MS-38]
- Felsenthal (Bernhard) Papers. 1847-1964. [MS-153]
- Felson (Leon) Papers. 1953-1982. [MS-349]
- Felson Family Papers. 1901-2001. [MS-849]
- Feuchtwanger (Marta T.) Papers. 1976. [MS-83]
- Feuerlicht (Morris M.) Papers. 1904-1959. [MS-271]
- Fields (Leo) Papers. 1966-2000. [MS-888]
- Fierman (Floyd S.) Papers. 1940-1988. [MS-649]
- Fierman (Morton C.) Papers. 1903-1989. [MS-170]
- Fineberg (Solomon A.) Papers. 1939-1974. [MS-149]
- Fineshriber (William H.) Papers. 1908-1968. [MS-144]
- Fink (Joseph) Lionel Papers. 1950-1954. [MS-105]
- Finn (Samuel L.) Scrapbooks. 1908-1968 (bulk 1947-1968). [MS-854]
- Fishel (Morris) Papers. 1846-1928. [MS-446]
- Folkman (Jerome D.) Papers. 1928-1992. [MS-679]
- Foster (Solomon) Papers. 1897-1965. [MS-117]
- Frank (Leo M.) Papers. 1913-1965 (bulk 1913-1915). [MS-237]
- Frank (Samuel Bergman) Papers. 1924-1990 (bulk 1957-1989). [MS-633]
- Frank and Greenhall Family Papers. 1890-1987. [MS-292]
- Frankland (Abraham E.) Papers. 1856-1873. [MS-464]
- Franklin (Leo M.) Papers. 1893-1947. [MS-246]
- Free Sons of Israel Records. 1849-1923. [MS-325]
- Freedman (Jacob) Papers. 1925-1984. [MS-296]
- Freehof (Solomon Bennett) Papers. 1927-1983. [MS-435]
- Freeman (Mark) Papers. 1954-1989. [MS-594]
- Freiberg Family Papers. 1900-2003. [MS-716]
- Freidenreich (Fradle Pomerantz) Papers. 1910-1960. [MS-770]
- Freudenheim (Tom L.) Papers. 1958-1989 (bulk 1972-1989). [MS-787]
- Freudenthal (Leopold) Papers. 1878-1928. [MS-247]
- Fridenberg (Solomon L.) Papers. 1900-1930. [MS-322]
- Friedberg (Lillian A.) Papers. 1913-1975. [MS-283]
- Friedland (Abraham) Papers. 1927-1944. [MS-741]
- Friedman (Herbert A.) Papers. 1940-2005. [MS-763]
- Friedman (Justin and Frances) Collection. 1921-1993 (bulk dates 1943-1945). [MS-924]
- Frisch (Ephraim) Papers. 1905-1958. [MS-187]
- Fromenthal (Benoit) Papers. 1851-1890. [MS-461]
- Galambos Family Papers. 1892-1948. [MS-304]
- Garfein (Stanley J.) Papers. 1970-2001 (bulk 1990-2001). [MS-793]
- Gelb (Saadia) Papers. 1970. [MS-80]
- Geller (Stuart M.) Papers. 1972-1995 (bulk 1985-1995). [MS-823]
- Gettler (Benjamin) Papers, 1965-2013. [MS-914]
- Ginsberg (Joseph L.) Papers. 1939-1979. [MS-622]
- Girard (Stephen) Papers. 1789-1829. [MS-257]
- Gitelson Family Papers. 1888-1979. [MS-178]
- Gittelsohn (Roland Bertram) Papers. 1934-1996. [MS-704]
- Glatt (Melvin Jay) Papers. 1957-1993. [MS-612]
- Glazer (B. Benedict) Papers. 1926-1957. [MS-148]
- Glazer (Simon) Papers. 1900-1948. [MS-269]
- Glen Manor Home for Jewish Aged (Cincinnati, OH) Records. 1948-1965. [MS-289]
- Glueck (Nelson) Papers. 1918-1971. [MS-160]
- Gold, (Herman) Papers. 1800-1900. [MS-459]
- Goldberg (David J.) Papers. 1974. [MS-432]
- Goldberg (Isidor) Records. 1908-1992 (bulk 1928-1951). [MS-599]
- Goldenson (Samuel H.) Papers. 1918-1947. [MS-81]
- Goldman (Albert A.) Papers. 1928-2007, undated (bulk dates 1980-1995). [MS-919]
- Goldman (Robert P.) Papers. 1897-1976 (bulk 1930-1970). [MS-31]
- Goldman (Solomon) Papers. 1923-1955 (bulk 1935-1945). [MS-203]
- Goldstein (David) Papers. 1920-1925. [MS-102]
- Goldstein (Fanny) Papers. 1926-1961. [MS-205]
- Goldstein (Jonah J.) Papers. 1929-1952. [MS-380]
- Goldstein (Ronald M.) Papers. 1949-1966. [MS-492]
- Goode (Alexander D.) Papers. 1931-1957. [MS-66]
- Goodman (Abram V.) Papers. 1930-1950 (bulk 1947-1950). [MS-816]
- Gootman (Joseph) Papers. 1919-1962. [MS-268]
- Gotliffe (Harvey) Research Materials. 1996-2004. [MS-830]
- Gottheil (Richard J.H.) Papers. 1886-1982. [MS-127]
- Gotthelf (Bernhard H.) Papers. 1864-1878. [MS-248]
- Grafman (Milton L.) Papers. 1929-1995 (bulk: 1950-1970). [MS-825]
- Gratz (Rebecca) Collection. 1794-1869. [MS-236]
- Gratz (Rebecca) Correspondence. 1785-1851. [MS-143]
- Greater Chicago Jewish Folk Arts Festival (Chicago, Ill.) Records. 1980-2004. [MS-737]
- Greater Cincinnati Board of Rabbis (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1989-1999 (bulk 1991-1994). [MS-665]
- Green (Alan Singer) Papers. 1928-1989. [MS-724]
- Greenbaum (Samuel) Papers. 1880-1930. [MS-154]
- Greenberg (Leonard A.) Papers. 1879-1957 (bulk 1942-1957). [MS-646]
- Greenburg (William H.) Papers. 1909-1918, Undated. [MS-752]
- Greenebaum (J. Victor) Papers. 1914-1968. [MS-175]
- Greenwald (Hyman T.) Papers. 1930-1940. [MS-306]
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- Haberman (Joshua O.) Papers. 1926-2017. [MS-915]
- Hahn (Harold D.) Papers. 1953-1979 (bulk 1960-1979). [MS-86]
- Hammond (Beatrice J.) Papers. 1913-1985. [MS-291]
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- Har Sinai Congregation (Baltimore, Md.) Records. 1842-1884. [MS-521]
- Harap (Louis) Papers. 1904-1989. [MS-683]
- Harford Jewish Center (Aberdeen, Md.) Records. 1955-1998. [MS-425]
- Harris (Maurice H.) Papers. 1882-1930. [MS-21]
- Harrison (Leon) Papers. 1905-1928. [MS-390]
- Hashomer Hatzair, Zionist Youth Movement Records. 1923-1985. [MS-281]
- Hausman (Irving I.) Sermons. 1943-1967. [MS-886]
- Haves (Hyman) Papers. 1984-2000. [MS-861]
- Haymarket Square Riot Collection. 1887, 1956. [MS-472]
- Hebrew Benevolent Society (Charleston, S.C.) Records. 1853-1959 (bulk 1867-1923). [MS-590]
- Hebrew Ladies Aid Society (Trinidad, CO) Records. 1910-1933. [MS-310]
- Hebrew Orphan Society (Charleston, S.C.) Records. 1802-1947. [MS-589]
- Hebrew Tabernacle Congregation (New York, N.Y.) Records. 1905-1938. [MS-368]
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- Herman (Erwin) Papers. 1947-2008 (bulk 1970-2000). [MS-822]
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- Hexter (Maurice Beck) Papers. 1928-1938. [MS-338]
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- International Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism Records. 1984-2016, undated. [MS-899]
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- Jewish Agricultural Society, Inc. Loans Records. 1921-1963. [MS-758]
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- Jewish Community Center (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1951-2001. [MS-879]
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- Jewish Community of Columbus, Mississippi Collection. 1872-1956. [MS-401]
- Jewish Community Relations Council (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1934-1989 (bulk 1950-1985). [MS-202]
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- Jewish Congregations in the West Indies Records. 1888-1908. [MS-581]
- Jewish Family and Children's Service (Denver, Colo.) Records. 1907-1958. [MS-221]
- Jewish Family Service (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1936-1952. [MS-216]
- Jewish Federation of Cincinnati (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1904-2005. [MS-744]
- Jewish Institute of Religion Records. 1921-1950. [MS-19]
- Jewish Orphan Asylum (Shaker Heights, Ohio) Records. 1874-1918. [MS-68]
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- Jewish Religious Education Association Records. 1913-1916. [MS-422]
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- Jewish Vocational Service (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1939-2012. [MS-889]
- Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America Records. 1953-1958. [MS-228]
- Jewish Welfare Board Records. 1918-1919. [MS-316]
- Jews of Cincinnati Collection. 1824-1989. [MS-676]
- John F. Kennedy Assassination Collection, 1960-1985, undated. [MS-910]
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- Joseph (Shirley Troyan) Papers. 1957-2012 (bulk 1970-2000). [MS-906]
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- Kabakoff (Jacob) Papers. 1879-1993. [MS-659]
- Kaelter (Wolfgang) Papers. 1936-1999. [MS-165]
- Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim (Charleston, S.C.) Records. 1764-1977 (bulk 1800-1928). [MS-525]
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- Kahn (Robert I.) Papers. 1935-2000 (bulk 1950-1970). [MS-853]
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- Kantor (Kenneth A.) Music Collection. 1890-1940. [MS-788]
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- Karol (Lawrence P.) Papers. 1921-1981. [MS-803]
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- Katsh (Abraham I.) Papers. 1911-1980. [MS-113]
- Katz (Robert L.) Papers. 1960-1990. [MS-573]
- Kauvar (Charles Eliezer Hillel) Papers. 1912-1971. [MS-445]
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- Krauskopf (Joseph) Papers. 1877-1922. [MS-183]
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- Kross (Anna M.) Papers. 1918-1974. [MS-176]
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- Kusworm (Sidney G.) Papers. 1902-1965 (bulk 1918-1955). [MS-908]
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- Ladies Educational Aid Societies Rolls of Honor. 1877-1889. [MS-580]
- Ladies Hebrew Association (Baton Rouge, La.) Records. 1871-1923. [MS-384]
- Ladies Hebrew Benevolent Society (Vicksburg, Miss.) Records. 1906-1971. [MS-391]
- Ladies Hebrew Social Circle (Harrisburg, Pa.) Records. 1870-1925. [MS-392]
- Landman (Isaac) Papers. 1920-1946. [MS-192]
- Landman (Solomon) Papers. 1925-1951. [MS-207]
- Lashkowitz (Harry) Papers. 1911-1966. [MS-243]
- Lasky (Moses) Papers. 1948-1982. [MS-270]
- Latin American Jewish Studies Association Records. 1970-1995. [MS-347]
- Latz (Charles B.) Papers. 1910-1947. [MS-466]
- Lauterbach (Jacob Z.) Papers. 1902-1942. [MS-186]
- Lazaron (Morris S.) Papers. 1851-1979 (bulk 1930-1950). [MS-71]
- Leeser (Isaac) Papers. 1840-1867. [MS-197]
- Leffler (William J., II) Papers. 1966-1986. [MS-844]
- Lefkowitz (David, Jr.) Papers. 1934-1990. [MS-650]
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- Leibert (Julius A.) Papers. 1924-1964. [MS-252]
- Lemann Family Papers. 1852-1965. [MS-383]
- Lemkin (Raphael) Papers. 1942-1959 (bulk 1948-1956). [MS-60]
- Lesser (Allen) Papers. 1932-1960. [MS-301]
- Lesser (Allen) Papers. 1936-1987. [MS-358]
- Leucht (Isaac L.) Records. 1882-1913. [MS-596]
- Levi (Gerson B.) Papers. 1906-1938. [MS-809]
- Levine (Joseph) Papers. 1947-1972 (bulk 1950-1960). [MS-835]
- Levine (Naftali) Papers. 1915-1947. [MS-802]
- Levinson (Abraham) Papers. 1910-1955 (bulk 1910-1930). [MS-69]
- Levinthal (Bernard Louis) Papers. 1926-1945. [MS-468]
- Levitt (Norma U.) Records. 1945-2005. [MS-720]
- Levy (Felix A.) Papers. 1913-1960. [MS-249]
- Levy (Theodore S.) Papers. 1937-2005. [MS-736]
- Lewis (Albert M.) Papers. 1952-1978. [MS-212]
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- Lewisohn (Ludwig) Papers. 1895-1980 (bulk 1935-1955). [MS-166]
- Lewy (Julius) Papers. 1911-1933. [MS-278]
- Lichtenstein (Tehilla) Papers. 1927-1970. [MS-22]
- Lichter (Jacob) Papers. 1953-1966. [MS-194]
- Lieberman (George B.) Papers. 1929-1980. [MS-280]
- Lieberman (Joseph) Candidacy Sermon Collection. 2000. [MS-356]
- Lifschiz (Leland H.) Papers. 1933-1938. [MS-566]
- Lipman (Eugene J.) Papers. 1936-1998 (bulk 1961-1989). [MS-862]
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- Loewner Family Papers. 1854-1870. [MS-458]
- Lopez (Aaron) Papers. 1751-1783. [MS-231]
- Lorge (Ernst Mordecai) Papers. 1939-1990. [MS-672]
- Los Angeles, CA (Jewish Radicalism) Collection. 1964-1985. [MS-285]
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- Macht (Wolfe) Papers. 1918-1949. [MS-404]
- Mack (Julian W.) Papers. 1854-1975. [MS-262]
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- Magnin (Edgar F.) Papers. 1909-1984. [MS-344]
- Magrish (James L.) Papers. 1888-1992. [MS-198]
- Mahrer (Lawrence N.) Papers. 1966-2006. [MS-790]
- Malino (Jerome R.) Papers. 1911-2002. [MS-729]
- Manheim (Werner) Papers. 1930-1982 (bulk 1937-1958). [MS-55]
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- Mantinband (Charles) Papers. 1923-1968. [MS-563]
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- Marcus (Ralph) Papers. 1927-1956. [MS-363]
- Mark (Julius) Papers. 1918-1977 (bulk dates 1922-1968). [MS-917]
- Marshall (James) Papers. 1899-1986 (bulk 1940-1980). [MS-157]
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- Marshall (Louis) Papers. 1876-1929. [MS-359]
- Marshall (Robert) Papers. 1919-1973 (bulk 1940-1960). [MS-204]
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- Mayer (Jessie S.) Papers. 1901-1957. [MS-297]
- Mazer (David) Papers. 20th Century. [MS-867]
- Mazirer and Vicinity Relief Committee (Philadelphia, PA) Records. 1916-1952. [MS-312]
- Me'ayin Yavo Ezri: An Academic Exploration of Sources of Healing Within Judaism Conference Records. 1995. [MS-632]
- Mehlman (Bernard H.) Papers. 1967-2000 (bulk 1978-1999). [MS-858]
- Mendeloff (Morris I.) Records. 1917-1967. [MS-755]
- Mendelsohn (Samuel F.) Papers. 1921-1954. [MS-199]
- Mendes (Henry P.) Papers. 1862-1937. [MS-39]
- Mersky (Shirley and Morris) Collection. 1872-1998 (bulk dates 1943-1945). [MS-925]
- Message of Israel Records. 1934-1993. [MS-299]
- Meth (Jason) Papers. 1938-1954. [MS-442]
- Mexican Inquisition Collection. 1597-1634. [MS-488]
- Meyer (Annie N.) Papers. 1858-1950 (bulk 1885-1948). [MS-7]
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- Mihaly (Eugene) Papers. 1954-1993. [MS-739]
- Milbauer (Perry) Correspondence. 1943-1945. [MS-828]
- Miller (Judea B.) Papers. 1947-1995. [MS-686]
- Minis Family Papers. 1737-1916. [MS-272]
- Missner (Daniel) Diaries. 1958-2004. [MS-864]
- Mizpah Congregation (Chattanooga, Tenn.) Records. 1894-1942. [MS-526]
- Montagu (Lilian H.) Papers. 1913-1961. [MS-282]
- Montefiore (Moses) Papers. 1848-1885. [MS-433]
- Morgenstern (Julian) Papers. 1900-1974 (bulk 1940-1950). [MS-30]
- Morris (Jacob M.) Papers. 1912-1959. [MS-398]
- Moses (Alfred G.) Papers. 1890-1922. [MS-222]
- Moses (Isaac S.) Papers. 1873-1926. [MS-122]
- Mount Zion Temple (Saint Paul, Minn.) Records. 1857-1944. [MS-471]
- Multer (Abraham Jacob) Papers. 1947-1967. [MS-500]
- Myers (Mordecai) and Hays Family Collection. 1804-1912. [MS-567]
- Myers Family Papers. 1766-1908. [MS-480]
- Myron S. Goldman Union Camp Institute (Zionsville, Ind.) Records. 1961-1979. [MS-670]
- Naddor (Eliezer) Papers. 1935-1985. [MS-355]
- Nathan-Krause Family Collection. 1738-1939. [MS-107]
- National Association of Jewish Chaplains Records. 1991-2011. [MS-800]
- National Association of Retired Reform Rabbis Records. 1982-2000. [MS-759]
- National Association of Temple Administrators Records. 1941-1991. [MS-201]
- National Council of Jewish Women (Charleston, N.C.) Records. 1907-1950. [MS-414]
- National Council of Jewish Women (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1980-1982. [MS-226]
- National Council of Jewish Women (Terra Haute, Ind.) Records. 1881-1943. [MS-59]
- National Farm School Records. 1896-1921. [MS-444]
- National Federation of Temple Brotherhoods Records. 1925-1932. [MS-74]
- National Federation of Temple Youth Records. 1939-1974. [MS-266]
- Naymark (Sherman) Papers. 1920-1989. [MS-405]
- Neumark (David) Papers. circa 1890-1951. [MS-320]
- Neusner (Jacob) Papers. 1950-2015. [MS-890]
- New Hope Congregation (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1941-1994. [MS-605]
- New York (N.Y.) Mayor's Court Records. 1674-1860. [MS-484]
- Newark Yiddish Culture Circle (Newark, N.J.) Records. 1947-1955. [MS-415]
- Newfield (Morris) Papers. 1868-1940 (bulk 1890-1940). [MS-45]
- Newman (Louis I.) Papers. 1897-1975. [MS-109]
- Newman (Louis) Papers. 1936-2006. [MS-839]
- Nodel (Julius J.) Papers. 1929-1980. [MS-125]
- Nones (Joseph B.) Papers. 1812-1822. [MS-403]
- North Shore Congregation Israel (Glencoe, Ill.) Records. 1924-1999. [MS-731]
- North Shore Oral History Project. 1997-2002. [MS-880]
- Northern Federation of Temple Youth Records. 1969-1972. [MS-362]
- Nussbaum (Max) Papers. 1928-1974. [MS-705]
- Nussbaum (Perry E.) Papers. 1932-1973. [MS-430]
- Oak Park Temple (Oak Park, Ill.) Records. 1886-1966. [MS-426]
- Ochs (Adolph Simon) Papers. 1861-1935. [MS-324]
- Ohef Sholom Temple (Norfolk, Va.) Records. 1867-1907. [MS-548]
- Ohev Israel Temple (Newark, Ohio) Records. 1936-1998. [MS-717]
- Ohio Valley Federation of Temple Sisterhoods Records. 1962-2000. [MS-63]
- Oko (Adolph S.) Papers. 1911-1944. [MS-14]
- Olan (Levi Arthur) Papers. 1924-1983 (bulk 1950-1970). [MS-181]
- Olin-Sang-Ruby Union Institute (Oconomowoc, Wis.) Records. 1941-2001. [MS-648]
- Olitzky (Kerry M.) Research Materials. 1993-1995. [MS-817]
- Opher (Ahron) Papers. 1929-1994. [MS-694]
- Orbach (Harold) Papers. 1951-2001. [MS-690]
- Orlinsky (Harry Meyer) Papers. 1928-1991. [MS-661]
- Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1957-1978. [MS-801]
- Orton (J. Robert) Papers. 1942-1946. [MS-75]
- Palitz (Leonard M.) Papers. 1916-1933. [MS-258]
- Palnick (Elijah E.) Sermons. 1959-1999. [MS-887]
- Paper (Herbert H.) Papers. 1937-1999 (bulk 1960-1984). [MS-871]
- Papo (Joseph M.) Research Materials. 1926-1992 (bulk 1970-1987). [MS-866]
- Paramaribo (Surinam) Jewish Community Collection. 1772-1920. [MS-505]
- Passamaneck (Herman) Papers. 1917-1966. [MS-647]
- Pearlcasters Literary Club (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1931-1996. [MS-644]
- Peiser (Walter G.) Manuscripts. 1972-1989. [MS-805]
- Pelli (Moshe) Papers. 1926-1998. [MS-798]
- Petuchowski (Jakob J.) Records. 1942-1986. [MS-653]
- Pfeffer (Bruce J.) Papers. 2003-2009. [MS-795]
- Phearson Family Collection. 1909-1922. [MS-733]
- Philippsborn (Adolf) Papers. 1875-1971. [MS-10]
- Philipson (David) Papers. 1823-1949 (bulk 1885-1945). [MS-35]
- Phillips (Jonas) Papers. 1759-1827. [MS-382]
- Philo (Isadore E.) Papers. 1897-1944. [MS-253]
- Phoenix Club (Baltimore, Md.) Records. 1886-1941. [MS-416]
- Pi Tau Pi Fraternity Records. 1914-1967. [MS-497]
- Pike Family Papers. 1857-1872. [MS-463]
- Piliver-Podolier Society (Brooklyn, New York, N.Y.) Records. 1915-1951. [MS-323]
- Plaut (Arthur) Papers. 1951-1973 1957-1965. [MS-824]
- Plaut (Elizabeth S.) Records. 1729-1995. [MS-593]
- Plaut (Gunther W.) Papers. 1934-1994. [MS-743]
- Podet (Allen H.) Papers. 1957-1980. [MS-141]
- Podet (Irving Mayer) Papers. 1930-1950. [MS-479]
- Polier (Shad and Justine Wise) Phonograph Record Collection. 1948-1964. [MS-772]
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- Poller (H. Leonard). 1960-1994. [MS-655]
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- Porter (Jack N.) Papers. 1967-1982. [MS-145]
- Posy (Arnold) Papers. Undated. [MS-346]
- Prentis (Meyer Leon) Papers. 1904-1989. [MS-628]
- Prinz (Joachim) Papers. 1935-1980 (bulk 1965-1977). [MS-673]
- Pritz (Carl E.) Papers. 1922-1948. [MS-217]
- Proskauer Family Papers. 1863-1948. [MS-254]
- Purvin (Jennie Franklin) Papers. 1873-1958. [MS-502]
- Rapp (Michael G.) Papers. 1972-1978. [MS-354]
- Rauch (Joseph) Papers. 1900-1957 (bulk 1915-1955). [MS-91]
- Reconstructionist Rabbinical College Records. 1969-1977. [MS-394]
- Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel (Elkins Park, Pa.) Records. 1847-1952. [MS-551]
- Reines (Alvin Jay) Papers. 1943-2003 (bulk 1960-1985). [MS-786]
- Religious Action Center Records. 1923-2000 (bulk 1960-1990). [MS-873]
- Rheins (Joseph M.) Papers. 1914-1981. [MS-116]
- Richter (Fred) Papers. 1976-1985. [MS-279]
- Riskin (Irving) Music Collection. 1960-1974. [MS-847]
- Robinson (Michael A.) Papers. 1955-2001. [MS-797]
- Rodef Shalom Temple (Pittsburgh, Pa.) Records. 1880-1912. [MS-553]
- Rohrheimer (Rena M.) Papers. 1935-1950. [MS-161]
- Roselawn Synagogue (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1952-2006. [MS-732]
- Rosen (Ben) Photographs. 1920-2000. [MS-748]
- Rosen (Sanford E.) Papers. 1945-1981. [MS-682]
- Rosenau (William) Papers. 1889-1944. [MS-41]
- Rosenbaum (Bella W.) Papers. 1896-1955. [MS-179]
- Rosenbaum (Jeanette W.) Papers. 1950-1955. [MS-188]
- Rosenberg (Roy) Papers. 1948-2000. [MS-735]
- Rosenblum (Louis) Papers. 1963-2008 (bulk dates 1964-1980). [MS-926]
- Rosenfeld (Harry L.) Papers. 1977-2010. [MS-869]
- Rosenfield (Leon A., Jr.) Papers. 1927-2007 (bulk 1952-1980). [MS-840]
- Rosenthal (Julius) Papers. 1973-1975. [MS-443]
- Rosett (Frieda S.) Papers. 1924-1984. [MS-353]
- Rosewater Family Papers. 1858-1939. [MS-503]
- Roth (Harry A.) Papers. 1964-1972. [MS-126]
- Roth (Ignatz) Papers. 1869-1933. [MS-658]
- Rothenberg (Robert C. and Jean) Papers. 1879-2005. [MS-684]
- Rothstein (Leonard J.) Papers. 1914-1956. [MS-490]
- Roubey (Lester W.) Papers. 1938-1994. [MS-865]
- Rubenstein (Richard L.) Records. 1941-1992. [MS-685]
- Rubin (Alvan D.) Papers. 1952-2000. [MS-894]
- Ruderman (Samuel S.) Papers. 1930-1967. [MS-235]
- Rudin (A. James) Papers. 1958-1968. [MS-782]
- Rudin (Jacob P.) Papers. 1920-1959. [MS-142]
- Rudolph (Bernard G.) Papers. 1960-1970. [MS-230]
- Rukeyser (Marjorie) Papers. 1965-1967. [MS-357]
- Ruslander (Selwyn D.) Papers. 1902-1971 (bulk 1942-1969). [MS-460]
- Rypins (Frederick I.) Papers. 1928-1967. [MS-189]
- Sabath (Adolph J.) Papers . 1903-1952. [MS-43]
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- Sackler (Harry) Papers. 1907-1967. [MS-200]
- Saferstein (Donald L.) Papers. 1950-1956. [MS-317]
- Salkowitz (Selig) Papers. 1969-2000. [MS-725]
- Saltzman (Murray) Papers. 1960-2010. [MS-305]
- Samuel (Maurice) Papers. 1907-1980. [MS-89]
- Sanders (Beatrice) Papers. 1951-1986. [MS-340]
- Sanders (Edward) Papers. 1968-1997. [MS-727]
- Sandler (Philip) Papers. 1940-1960. [MS-455]
- Sandmel (Samuel) Papers. 1928-1980 (bulk 1955-1979). [MS-101]
- Sandrow (Edward T.) Papers. 1942-1982. [MS-137]
- Saperstein (Harold) Papers. 1930-1998. [MS-718]
- Sarna (Nahum M.) Papers. 1934-2004. [MS-753]
- Sasso (Sandy Eisenberg) Papers. 1970-2015. [MS-895]
- Scheiner-Kraushaar Holocaust Letters Collection. 1937-1944. [MS-219]
- Schiff (Hugo B.) Papers. 1917-1981. [MS-171]
- Schiff (Jacob Henry) Papers. 1865-1920 (bulk 1914-1920). [MS-456]
- Schindler (Alexander Moshe) Papers. 1961-1996 (bulk 1973-1995). [MS-630]
- Schindler (Solomon) Papers. 1891-1915. [MS-193]
- Schlaifer (Edward M.) Papers. 1915-1944. [MS-138]
- Scholar's Conference on American Jewish History Records. 1996-1998. [MS-656]
- Schulman (Samuel) Papers. 1890-1980 (bulk 1900-1940). [MS-90]
- Schwab Family Papers. Late Twentieth Century. [MS-431]
- Schwarcz (Ida Selavan) Papers. 1889-1995. [MS-820]
- Schwartzman (Sylvan D.) Papers. 1937-1969. [MS-211]
- Schwarz (Jacob D.) Papers. 1880-1963. [MS-311]
- Schwarz (Leon) Papers. 1872-1957. [MS-570]
- Segal (Jack) Papers. 1965. [MS-486]
- Seixas (Gershom M.) Papers. 1773-1821. [MS-134]
- Seletsky (Mollie) Papers. 1973-1976. [MS-402]
- Seligman Family Collection. 1931; 1945. [MS-475]
- Seman (Philip Louis) Papers. 1897-1957. [MS-578]
- Semel (Bernard) Papers. 1929-1952. [MS-240]
- Senior Family Papers. 1843-1962. [MS-139]
- September 11 Sermon Collection. 2001. [MS-674]
- Sh'ma, Inc. Records. 1970-1984. [MS-245]
- Shalom Family Time Capsule. December 2012. [MS-878]
- Shankman (Jacob Kestin) Papers. 1920-1983. [MS-693]
- Shecter (Louis E.) Papers. 1921-1982. [MS-169]
- Sheiniuk (Jacob) Collection. circa 1980. [MS-885]
- Shinedling (Abraham I.) Papers. 1886-1982 (bulk 1960-1980). [MS-128]
- Shlesinger (Sigmund) Papers. 1868-1975. [MS-130]
- Shulman (Albert M.) Papers. 1926-1990. [MS-860]
- Shulman (Charles E.) Papers. 1917-1969 (bulk 1940-1965). [MS-124]
- Shulvass (Moses A.) Papers. 1934-1986. [MS-711]
- Siegel-Rubin Family Genealogy Papers. 1820-2020 (bulk dates 1880-2017). [MS-921]
- Silberman (Lou H.) Papers. 1934-1972 (bulk 1940-1960). [MS-103]
- Silver (Alton S.) Papers. 1960-1965. [MS-395]
- Simon (Abram) Papers. 1894-1938. [MS-267]
- Simon (Caroline K.) Papers. 1959-1984. [MS-208]
- Simonhoff (Harry) Papers. 1948-1966. [MS-27]
- Simonson (Solomon S.) Papers. 1934-1991. [MS-697]
- Singer (Celia S.) Papers. 1941-1980. [MS-274]
- Singer (Isidore) Papers. 1895-1938. [MS-42]
- Siskin (Edgar El.) Papers. 1928-1977. [MS-64]
- Skirball Institute on American Values Records. 1984-2003. [MS-721]
- Sleutelberg (Arnold M.) Papers. 1917-1988. [MS-342]
- Slonimsky (Henry) Papers. 1920-1965. [MS-637]
- Slonimsky (Marion Stanley) Papers. 1894-1924. [MS-636]
- Smoller (Phineas) Papers. 1886-1953. [MS-108]
- Snyder (Herman Eliot) Records. 1916-1992 (bulk 1930-1970). [MS-598]
- Society of Jewish Bibliophiles Records. 1961-1983 (bulk 1961-1965). [MS-856]
- Sokobin (Alan Mayor) Papers. 1951-1994 (bulk 1972-1988). [MS-635]
- Solis-Cohen (Emily) Papers. 1930-1960. [MS-450]
- Soloff (Mordecai) Papers. 1927-1992. [MS-740]
- Soloff (Rav A.) Papers. 1943-1996 (bulk 1970-1990). [MS-859]
- Solomon (Alan) Papers. 1933-1998. [MS-666]
- Solomon (Hannah G.) Family Collection. 1867-2001. [MS-749]
- Solomon (Joseph) Papers. 1927-1996. [MS-691]
- Solomons Family Papers. 1745-1922. [MS-467]
- Sonderling (Jacob) Papers. 1868-1965. [MS-582]
- Sonne (Isaiah) Papers. 1922-1960. [MS-513]
- Sonneschein (Solomon H.) Papers. 1871-1893. [MS-360]
- Spertus College of Judaica Records. 1963-1978. [MS-330]
- Spicehandler (Abraham) Papers. 1922-1963. [MS-313]
- Spicehandler (Ezra) Papers. 1935-2008, undated (bulk 1960-1990). [MS-912]
- Spitz (Moritz) Papers. 1870-1877. [MS-255]
- Srere Congregation (Los Angeles, Calif.) Records. 1923-1955. [MS-688]
- Stein (Philip) Papers. 1868-1922. [MS-482]
- Steinbach (Alexander A.) Papers. 1935-1964. [MS-70]
- Steinberg (Paul M.) Papers. 1940-2004 (bulk 1980-2004). [MS-870]
- Stephen Wise Free Synagogue Records. 1944-2003. [MS-779]
- Stern (Malcolm Henry) Papers. 1882-1994. [MS-626]
- Stiebel (Arnold S.) Thesis Research Materials. Circa 1978-1982. [MS-810]
- Stillpass (Leo J.) Papers. 1934-1942. [MS-114]
- Stolz (Joseph) Papers. 1844-1950 (bulk 1900-1930). [MS-242]
- Strull (Charles) Papers. 1930-1962. [MS-239]
- Sutin (Lewis R.) Papers. 1958-1978. [MS-112]
- Sutker (Phyllis R.) Papers. 1956-2006. [MS-896]
- Swig Camp Institute Records. 1964-1967. [MS-671]
- Syms (Sy) Papers. 1944-2012. [MS-920]
- Syracuse Hebrew School (Syracuse, N.Y.) Records. 1916-1943. [MS-568]
- Syrkin (Marie) Papers. 1915-1989. [MS-615]
- Szold (Benjamin) Papers. 1855-1902. [MS-265]
- Tabak (Robert P.) Papers. 1964-2011 (bulk 1975-1995). [MS-846]
- Talmud Yelodim Institute (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1849-1988. [MS-413]
- Tanenbaum (Marc H.) Collection. 1945-1992 (bulk 1960-1990). [MS-603]
- Tannenwald (Theodore, Jr.) Papers. 1953-1998. [MS-640]
- Tartak Learning Center Records. 1926-2000. [MS-680]
- Tavel (Henry) Papers. 1930-1964. [MS-209]
- Teller (Sidney A.) Papers. 1954-1972. [MS-158]
- Temkin (Sefton D.) Papers. 1932-1994. [MS-738]
- Temple B'nai Abraham (Newark, N.J.) Records. 1924-1975. [MS-742]
- Temple B'nai Israel (Galveston, Tex.) Records. 1868-1958. [MS-530]
- Temple B'nai Israel (Natchez, Miss.) Records. 1864-1940. [MS-540]
- Temple B'nai Jeshurun (Leavenworth, Kan.) Records. 1895-1960. [MS-710]
- Temple B'nai Sholom (Huntsville, Ala.) Records. 1876-1948. [MS-329]
- Temple B'rith Kodesh (Rochester, N.Y.) Records. 1865-1936. [MS-555]
- Temple Beth Aaron (Billings, Mont.) Records. 1954-1978. [MS-607]
- Temple Beth El (Corsicana, Tex.) Records. 1902-1985, undated. [MS-892]
- Temple Beth El (Detroit, Mich.) Records. 1852-1930. [MS-527]
- Temple Beth El (Knoxville, Tenn.) Records. 1869-1921. [MS-535]
- Temple Beth El of Northern Westchester (Chappaqua, N.Y.) Records. 1951-2000. [MS-728]
- Temple Beth Emeth (Brooklyn, N.Y.) Records. 1911-1934. [MS-557]
- Temple Beth Israel (Portland, Or.) Records. 1865-1923. [MS-554]
- Temple Beth Israel (Tacoma, Wash.) Records. 1890-1948. [MS-327]
- Temple Beth Shalom (Sun City, Ariz.) Records. 1969-2000. [MS-641]
- Temple Beth Sholom (Middletown, Ohio) Records. 1938-1985. [MS-762]
- Temple Bulletin Collection. 20th to 21st century. [MS-882]
- Temple Covenant of Peace (Easton, Pa.) Records. 1839-1949. [MS-370]
- Temple Emanu-El (Bayonne, N.J.) Records. 1911-1947. [MS-419]
- Temple Emanuel (Duluth, Minn.) Records. 1910-1964. [MS-420]
- Temple Emeth (Ardmore, Ok.) Records. 1950-2004. [MS-751]
- Temple Etz Ahayem (Montgomery, Ala.) Records. 1886-1969. [MS-387]
- Temple Israel (Blytheville, Ark.) Records. 1923-2003. [MS-713]
- Temple Israel (Charleston, W. Va.) Records.. 1874-1960. [MS-783]
- Temple Israel (Dayton, Ohio) Records. 1909-1974 (bulk 1961-1974). [MS-616]
- Temple Israel (Marion, Ohio) Records. 1905-1960. [MS-417]
- Temple Israel (Omaha, Neb.) Records. 1883-1933. [MS-334]
- Temple Israel (Stockton, Calif.) Records. 1850-1990. [MS-608]
- Temple Israel (Tulsa, Okla.) Records. 1917-1940. [MS-516]
- Temple Israel (West Lafayette, Ind.) Records. 1867-1980. [MS-345]
- Temple Mount Sinai (El Paso, Tex.) Records. 1887-1949. [MS-528]
- Temple Ohabei Shalom (Brookline, Mass.) Records. 1844-1970. [MS-397]
- Temple Sinai (Bellevue, Wash.) Records. 1962-1968. [MS-393]
- Temple Sinai (New Orleans, La.) Records. 1870-1937. [MS-512]
- Temple Sinai (Oakland, Calif.) Records. 1875-1905. [MS-487]
- Tepfer (John Jay) Papers. 1898-1986. [MS-586]
- Tiep (Isadore) Records. 1945-1965. [MS-600]
- Tobias (Thomas J.) Papers. 1764-1950. [MS-565]
- Touro Synagogue (New Orleans, La.) Records. 1843-1922. [MS-542]
- Trachtenberg (Joshua) Papers. 1930-1959. [MS-295]
- Treiger (Baruch I.) Papers. 1931-1956. [MS-244]
- Troupp (Leonard B.) Papers. 1956-1997. [MS-534]
- Tucker (Sophie) Papers. 1911-1966. [MS-485]
- Turitz (Leo Eliezer) Records. Circa 1975-1990. [MS-601]
- Unger (Sidney E.) Papers. 1928-1971. [MS-315]
- Union for Reform Judaism National Commission on Reform Camping Records. 1952-2005. [MS-767]
- Union of American Hebrew Congregations Records. 1873-1991. [MS-72]
- United Congregation of Israelites (Kingston, Jamaica) Records. 1884-1999. [MS-339]
- United Israel World Union Records. 1952-1966. [MS-406]
- United Jewish Cemetery (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1850-1949. [MS-613]
- United Jewish Communities Records. 1995-1999. [MS-848]
- United Jewish Social Agencies (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1891-1950. [MS-366]
- United Order True Sisters Records. 1864-1979. [MS-638]
- United States Holocaust Museum Committee Collection of Alfred Gottschalk. 1978-2000. [MS-712]
- Untermyer (Samuel) Papers. 1873-1952. [MS-251]
- Venezky (Julian B.) Collection. 1937-2012. [MS-922]
- Vida (George) Papers. 1939-1989. [MS-620]
- Voorsanger (Elkan C.) Papers. 1914-1970. [MS-256]
- Wacholder (Ben Zion) Papers. 1939-2011 (bulk 1960-1980). [MS-829]
- Waksman (Selman A.) Papers. 1964. [MS-118]
- Waldman (Morris D.) Papers. 1912-1963. [MS-23]
- Warburg (Felix Moritz) Papers. 1910-1937. [MS-457]
- Waterman Family Papers. 1838-1942 (bulk 1838-1854). [MS-560]
- Watters (Leon Laizer) Papers. 1854-1968. [MS-495]
- Waxman (Stanley J.) Papers. 1960-1990. [MS-794]
- Wechsler (Samuel) Papers. 1885-1976. [MS-172]
- Weil (Frank L.) Papers . 1898-1958. [MS-48]
- Weiler (Moses C.) Papers. 1926-1992. [MS-215]
- Weinberg (Dudley) Papers. 1937-1975 (bulk 1971-1975). [MS-843]
- Weinberg (Werner) Papers. 1950-1995. [MS-668]
- Weiner (Hollace A.) Research Materials for Jewish Stars in Texas. 1870's-1997 (bulk 1870's-1920's). [MS-863]
- Weisberg (David B.) Papers. 1994-2003. [MS-807]
- Weiss (Louis) Papers. 1876-1909. [MS-190]
- Weiss-Rosmarin (Trude) Papers. 1931-1984. [MS-12]
- Weitz (Martin M.) Papers. 1925-1978. [MS-40]
- Weizmann Archives Collection. 1900-1952. [MS-434]
- Werner (Eric) Papers. 1945-1948. [MS-558]
- Western Association of Reform Rabbis Records. 1956-1973. [MS-341]
- Wexner Foundation Records. 1986-2006. [MS-872]
- Wise (Aaron) Papers. 1960-1980. [MS-818]
- Wise (Isaac Mayer) Papers. 1838-1931. [MS-436]
- Wise (Stephen S.) Collection. 1893-1969. [MS-49]
- Witt (Louis) Papers. 1900-1951. [MS-159]
- Witten (Benjamin) Papers. 1916-1976. [MS-884]
- Wohl (Samuel) Papers. 1915-1973. [MS-106]
- Wolf (Horace Joseph) Papers. 1914-1926. [MS-562]
- Wolsey (Louis) Papers. 1866-1948 (bulk 1942-1948). [MS-15]
- Women of Reform Judaism (U.S.) Records. 1913-2000. [MS-73]
- Women of Reform Judaism, District 20 Records. 1922-2008. [MS-769]
- Women of Reform Judaism, District 3 Records. 1924-1997. [MS-689]
- Women of Reform Judaism. Atlantic District Records. 1982-2006. [MS-876]
- Women of Reform Judaism. Midwest District Records. 1947-2006. [MS-877]
- World Jewish Congress Records. 1918-1982 (bulk 1940-1980). [MS-361]
- World Union for Progressive Judaism Records. 1925-1998. [MS-16]
- Yad Charutzim-Tiferes Israel Congregation (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1925-1993 (bulk 1974-1993). [MS-634]
- Yardeini (Mordecai S.) Papers. 1908-1982. [MS-692]
- Yiddish Theater Collection. Late Nineteenth/Early Twentieth Century. [MS-499]
- Zepin (George) Papers. 1914-1961. [MS-50]
- Zielonka (David L.) Papers. 1924-1977. [MS-833]
- Zielonka (David M.) Papers. 1957-1991 (bulk 1957-1971). [MS-834]
- Zigmond (Maurice L.) Papers. 1909-1980. [MS-133]
- Zilberberg (Avraham Binyamin) Papers. Circa 1930-1960. [MS-498]
- Zionist Organization of America Records. 1920-1971. [MS-32]
- Zirndorf (Heinrich) Papers. 1832-1900. [MS-321]
- Zucker (David J.) Papers. 1958-1992 (bulk 1972-1992). [MS-812]
- Zukerman (William) Papers. 1927-1960. [MS-326]
- Zygielbaum (Abraham) Papers. 1919-1986. [MS-768]
- MS-1: Horace M. Kallen Papers. 1902-1982.
- MS-2: Henry Hurwitz Papers. 1905-1963.
- MS-3: Boris D. Bogen Papers. 1891-1929 (bulk 1920-1929).
- MS-4: Paul Abelson Papers. 1892-1954 (bulk 1900-1920).
- MS-5: Hebrew Union College Records. 1873-1947 (bulk 1920-1947).
- MS-6: Ferdinand Myron Isserman Papers. 1870-1971 (bulk 1919-1967).
- MS-7: Annie Nathan Meyer Papers. 1858-1950 (bulk 1885-1948).
- MS-8: Samuel Dickstein Papers. 1923-1944.
- MS-9: Abraham Cronbach Papers. 1902-1965 (bulk 1920-1960).
- MS-10: Adolf Philippsborn Papers. 1875-1971.
- MS-11: Hyman G. Enelow Papers. 1897-1933.
- MS-12: Trude Weiss-Rosmarin Papers. 1931-1984.
- MS-13: Jacob Billikopf Papers. 1857-1951 (bulk 1930-1950).
- MS-14: Adolph S. Oko Papers. 1911-1944.
- MS-15: Louis Wolsey Papers. 1866-1948 (bulk 1942-1948).
- MS-16: World Union for Progressive Judaism Records. 1925-1998.
- MS-17: American Council for Judaism Records. 1937-1968 (bulk 1957-1961).
- MS-18: David A. Brown Papers. 1894-1959 (bulk 1930-1936).
- MS-19: Jewish Institute of Religion Records. 1921-1950.
- MS-20: Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion Records. 1947-1996.
- MS-21: Maurice H. Harris Papers. 1882-1930.
- MS-22: Tehilla Lichtenstein Papers. 1927-1970.
- MS-23: Morris D. Waldman Papers. 1912-1963.
- MS-24: Congregation Bene Israel (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1829-1960 (bulk 1920-1960).
- MS-25: Henry Berkowitz Papers. 1878-1923.
- MS-26: Kivie Kaplan Papers. 1948-1975 (bulk 1966-1975).
- MS-27: Harry Simonhoff Papers. 1948-1966.
- MS-28: Albert Ehrenfried Papers. 1853-1951 (bulk 1901-1951).
- MS-29: Kaufmann Kohler Papers. 1851-1959 (bulk 1900-1925).
- MS-30: Julian Morgenstern Papers. 1900-1974 (bulk 1940-1950).
- MS-31: Robert Philip Goldman Papers. 1897-1976 (bulk 1930-1970).
- MS-32: Zionist Organization of America Records. 1920-1971.
- MS-33: Maximilian H. Heller Papers. 1871-1929.
- MS-34: Central Conference of American Rabbis Records. 1885-2007.
- MS-35: David Philipson Papers. 1823-1949 (bulk 1885-1945).
- MS-36: B'nai B'rith District No. 2 (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1904-1978 (bulk 1940-1978).
- MS-37: Walter Stern Hilborn Papers. 1855-1976.
- MS-38: Abraham Jehiel Feldman Papers. 1906-1977 (bulk 1930-1970).
- MS-39: Henry Pereira Mendes Papers. 1862-1937.
- MS-40: Martin M. Weitz Papers. 1925-1978.
- MS-41: William Rosenau Papers. 1889-1944.
- MS-42: Isidore Singer Papers. 1895-1938.
- MS-43: Adolph J. Sabath Papers. 1903-1952.
- MS-44: Moses Jacob Ezekiel Papers. 1864-1974 (bulk 1864-1921).
- MS-45: Morris Newfield Papers. 1868-1940 (bulk 1890-1940).
- MS-46: Rose I. Bender Papers. 1912-1950.
- MS-47: Harry Barnard Papers. 1889-1975.
- MS-48: Frank L. Weil Papers. 1898-1958.
- MS-49: Stephen S. Wise Collection. 1893-1969.
- MS-50: George Zepin Papers. 1914-1961.
- MS-51: Cincinnati Community Hebrew Schools (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1956-1992.
- MS-52: Federation of Jewish Women's Organizations (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1920-1977 (bulk 1923-1977).
- MS-53: Moses J. Gries Papers. 1850-1934 (bulk 1890-1930).
- MS-54: Harry Kaplan Papers. 1924-1970.
- MS-55: Werner Manheim Papers. 1930-1982 (bulk 1937-1958).
- MS-56: Chicago Sinai Congregation (Chicago, Ill.) Records. 1861-1976.
- MS-57: Steven L. Jacobs Papers. 1965-1977.
- MS-58: Beth Hillel Temple (Kenosha, Wis.) Records. 1925-1960.
- MS-59: National Council of Jewish Women (Terra Haute, Ind.) Records. 1881-1943.
- MS-60: Raphael Lemkin Papers. 1942-1959 (bulk 1948-1956).
- MS-61: American Pro-Falasha Committee Records. 1922-1949.
- MS-62: Congregation Bene Yeshurun (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1841-1968 (bulk 1900-1960).
- MS-63: Ohio Valley Federation of Temple Sisterhoods Records. 1962-2000.
- MS-64: Edgar E. Siskin Papers. 1928-1977.
- MS-65: Benjamin V. Cohen Papers. 1902-1982 (bulk 1919-1935).
- MS-66: Alexander D. Goode Papers. 1931-1957.
- MS-68: Jewish Orphan Asylum (Shaker Heights, Ohio) Records. 1874-1918.
- MS-69: Abraham Levinson Papers. 1910-1955 (bulk 1910-1930).
- MS-70: Alexander A. Steinbach Papers. 1935-1964.
- MS-71: Morris S. Lazaron Papers. 1851-1979 (bulk 1930-1950).
- MS-72: Union of American Hebrew Congregations Records. 1873-1991.
- MS-73: Women of Reform Judaism (U.S.) Records. 1913-2000.
- MS-74: National Federation of Temple Brotherhoods Records. 1925-1932.
- MS-75: J. Robert Orton Papers. 1942-1946.
- MS-76: Coordinating Board of Jewish Organizations Records. 1949-1953.
- MS-77: Simon Cohen Papers. 1911-1971.
- MS-78: Fritz Bamberger Papers. 1947-1966.
- MS-79: David Max Eichhorn Papers. 1955-1974.
- MS-80: Saadia Gelb Papers. 1970.
- MS-81: Samuel H. Goldenson Papers. 1918-1947.
- MS-82: Rhea Hirsch Papers. 1948-1960.
- MS-83: Marta Toeffler Feuchtwanger Papers. 1976.
- MS-84: Fanny E. Holtzmann Papers. 1920-1980.
- MS-85: Abraham H. Feinberg Papers. 1926-1947.
- MS-86: Harold D. Hahn Papers. 1953-1979 (bulk 1960-1979).
- MS-87: David and Rosalie Deitz Papers. 1926-1977.
- MS-88: Murray Polner Papers. 1977.
- MS-89: Maurice Samuel Papers. 1907-1980.
- MS-90: Samuel Schulman Papers. 1890-1980 (bulk 1900-1940).
- MS-91: Joseph Rauch Papers. 1900-1957 (bulk 1915-1955).
- MS-92: Louis Grossmann Papers. 1896-1926.
- MS-93: Robert and Jessie Bloom Papers. 1897-1980.
- MS-94: Julian Beck Feibelman Papers. 1904-1980 (bulk 1950-1970).
- MS-95: David Samuel Gruber Papers. 1934-1970.
- MS-96: B'nai B'rith Grand Prairie Lodge No. 281 Records. 1867-1945.
- MS-97: B'nai B'rith Youth Organization Records. 1958-1981 (bulk 1970-1980).
- MS-98: Barnett and Rebecca Brickner Papers. 1905-1981.
- MS-99: Bertram Wallace Korn Papers. 1938-1979.
- MS-100: Nathan Hurvitz Papers. 1934-1964.
- MS-101: Samuel Sandmel Papers. 1928-1980 (bulk 1955-1979).
- MS-102: David Goldstein Papers. 1920-1925.
- MS-103: Lou H. Silberman Papers. 1934-1972 (bulk 1940-1960).
- MS-104: Association of Hillel and Jewish Campus Professionals Records. 1948-1990.
- MS-105: Joseph Lionel Fink Papers. 1950-1954.
- MS-106: Samuel Wohl Papers. 1915-1973.
- MS-107: Nathan-Kraus Family Collection. 1738-1939.
- MS-108: Phineas Smoller Papers. 1886-1953.
- MS-109: Louis Israel Newman Papers. 1897-1975.
- MS-110: Ismar Elbogen Papers. 1898-1938.
- MS-111: Joseph Dainow Papers. 1891-1978 (bulk 1922-1978).
- MS-112: Lewis R. Sutin Papers. 1958-1978.
- MS-113: Abraham Isaac Katsh Papers. 1911-1980.
- MS-114: Leo J. Stillpass Papers. 1934-1942.
- MS-115: Association of Jewish Libraries Records. 1950-1996.
- MS-116: Joseph M. Rheins Papers. 1914-1981.
- MS-117: Solomon Foster Papers. 1897-1965.
- MS-118: Selman Abraham Waksman Papers. 1964.
- MS-119: Edward Leopold Israel Papers. 1913-1970.
- MS-120: Max Cohen Currick Papers. 1915-1947.
- MS-121: Isadore Keyfitz Papers. 1916-1975.
- MS-122: Isaac S. Moses Papers. 1873-1926.
- MS-123: Gotthard Deutsch Papers. 1859-1922 (bulk 1900-1920).
- MS-124: Charles Emanuel Shulman Papers. 1917-1969 (bulk 1940-1965).
- MS-125: Julius J. Nodel Papers. 1929-1980.
- MS-126: Harry A. Roth Papers. 1964-1972.
- MS-127: Richard James Horatio Gottheil Papers. 1886-1982.
- MS-128: Abraham I. Shinedling Papers. 1886-1982 (bulk 1960-1980).
- MS-129: Meir Ben-Horin Papers. 1943-1988.
- MS-130: Sigmund Shlesinger Papers. 1868-1975.
- MS-131: Leon Klenicki Papers. 1961-1973.
- MS-132: Congregation Beth Israel (Houston, Tex.) Records. 1943-1968.
- MS-133: Maurice L. Zigmond Papers. 1909-1980.
- MS-134: Gershom Mendes Seixas Papers. 1773-1821.
- MS-135: Abraham Hofman Papers. 1870-1878.
- MS-136: Bernard Kligfeld Papers. 1915-1981 (bulk 1940-1981).
- MS-137: Edward Theodore Sandrow Papers. 1942-1982.
- MS-138: Edward M. Schlaifer Papers. 1915-1944.
- MS-139: Senior Family Papers. 1843-1962.
- MS-140: Clifford M. Kulwin Papers. 1983.
- MS-141: Allen Howard Podet Papers. 1957-1980.
- MS-142: Jacob Philip Rudin Papers. 1920-1959.
- MS-143: Rebecca Gratz Correspondence. 1785-1851.
- MS-144: William H. Fineshriber Papers. 1908-1968.
- MS-145: Jack Nusan Porter Papers. 1967-1982.
- MS-146: Jacob Xenab Cohen Papers. 1904-1971.
- MS-147: James Gutheim Heller Papers. 1905-1952.
- MS-148: B. Benedict Glazer Papers. 1926-1957.
- MS-149: Solomon Andhil Fineberg Papers. 1939-1974.
- MS-150: Robert S. Adler Papers. 1945-1967.
- MS-151: Henry Englander Papers. 1897-1970 (bulk 1901-1948).
- MS-152: Stanley Rosenbaum Brav Papers. 1937-1980.
- MS-153: Bernhard Felsenthal Papers. 1847-1964.
- MS-154: Samuel Greenbaum Papers. 1880-1930.
- MS-155: David Einhorn Papers. 1855-1909.
- MS-156: Adolf Guttmacher Papers. 1891-1915.
- MS-157: James Marshall Papers. 1899-1986 (bulk 1940-1980).
- MS-158: Sidney A. Teller Papers. 1954-1972.
- MS-159: Louis Witt Papers. 1900-1951.
- MS-160: Nelson Glueck Papers. 1918-1971.
- MS-161: Rena M. Rohrheimer Papers. 1935-1950.
- MS-162: Eugene Max Mannheimer Papers. 1902-1951.
- MS-163: Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry on Palestine Collection. 1929-1986.
- MS-164: Brooklyn Jewish Community Council (Brooklyn, N.Y.) Records. 1945-1960.
- MS-165: Wolfgang Kaelter Papers. 1936-1999.
- MS-166: Ludwig Lewisohn Papers. 1895-1980 (bulk 1935-1955).
- MS-167: Maurice Nathan Eisendrath Papers. 1924-1973.
- MS-168: Aloha Jewish Chapel (Pearl Harbor, Hawaii) Records. 1974-1979.
- MS-169: Louis E. Shecter Papers. 1921-1982.
- MS-170: Morton C. Fierman Papers. 1903-1989.
- MS-171: Hugo B. Schiff Papers. 1917-1981.
- MS-172: Samuel Wechsler Papers. 1885-1976.
- MS-173: Setty Swarts Kuhn Papers. 1903-1952.
- MS-174: Lazard Kahn Papers. 1821-1961.
- MS-175: J. Victor Greenebaum Papers. 1914-1968.
- MS-176: Anna Moscowitz Kross Papers. 1918-1974.
- MS-177: Irvin Fane Papers. 1933-1969.
- MS-178: Gitelson Family Papers. 1888-1979.
- MS-179: Bella Weretnikow Rosenbaum Papers. 1896-1955.
- MS-180: B'nai B'rith District Grand Lodge No. 7 Records. 1917-1976.
- MS-181: Levi Arthur Olan Papers. 1924-1983 (bulk 1950-1970).
- MS-182: David B. Alpert Papers. 1940-1956.
- MS-183: Joseph Krauskopf Papers. 1877-1922.
- MS-184: Nathan Isaacs Papers. 1864-1942.
- MS-185: Jacob H. Kaplan Papers. 1894-1957.
- MS-186: Jacob Z. Lauterbach Papers. 1902-1942.
- MS-187: Ephraim Frisch Papers. 1905-1958.
- MS-188: Jeanette W. Rosenbaum Papers. 1950-1955.
- MS-189: Frederick I. Rypins Papers. 1928-1967.
- MS-190: Louis Weiss Papers. 1876-1909.
- MS-191: American Jewish Alternatives to Zionism, Inc. Records. 1968-1982.
- MS-192: Isaac Landman Papers. 1920-1946.
- MS-193: Solomon Schindler Papers. 1891-1915.
- MS-194: Jacob Lichter Papers. 1953-1966.
- MS-195: David Lefkowitz Papers. 1900-1952.
- MS-196: Maurice Joseph Karpf Papers. 1934-1964.
- MS-197: Isaac Leeser Papers. 1840-1867.
- MS-198: James L. Magrish Papers. 1888-1992.
- MS-199: Samuel Felix Mendelsohn Papers. 1921-1954.
- MS-200: Harry Sackler Papers. 1907-1967.
- MS-201: National Association of Temple Administrators Records. 1941-1991.
- MS-202: Jewish Community Relations Council (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1934-1989 (bulk 1950-1985).
- MS-203: Solomon Goldman Papers. 1923-1955 (bulk 1935-1945).
- MS-204: Robert Marshall Papers. 1919-1973 (bulk 1940-1960).
- MS-205: Fanny Goldstein Papers. 1926-1961.
- MS-206: Historical Records Survey (United States) Records. 1936-1942.
- MS-207: Solomon Landman Papers. 1925-1951.
- MS-208: Caroline K. Simon Papers. 1959-1984.
- MS-209: Henry Tavel Papers. 1930-1964.
- MS-210: Jacob Rader Marcus Papers. 1910-1995.
- MS-211: Sylvan D. Schwartzman Papers. 1937-1969.
- MS-212: Albert M. Lewis Papers. 1952-1978.
- MS-213: Leo A. Kallen Papers. 1916-1981.
- MS-214: Fletcher Gans Cohn Papers. 1899-1982.
- MS-215: Moses Cyrus Weiler Papers. 1926-1992.
- MS-216: Jewish Family Service (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1936-1952.
- MS-217: Carl E. Pritz Papers. 1922-1948.
- MS-218: Association for the Protection of Jewish Immigrants (Philadelphia, Pa.) Records. 1884-1949.
- MS-219: Scheiner-Kraushaar Holocaust Letters Collection. 1937-1944.
- MS-220: Elias Eppstein Papers. 1871-1903.
- MS-221: Jewish Family and Children's Service (Denver, Colo.) Records. 1907-1958.
- MS-222: Alfred G. Moses Papers. 1890-1922.
- MS-223: Cohen Family Papers. 1781-1953.
- MS-224: James Koppel Gutheim Papers. 1846-1873.
- MS-225: Every Friday Records. 1949-1961.
- MS-226: National Council of Jewish Women (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1980-1982.
- MS-227: Chiene Rachel Braude Papers. 1923-1970.
- MS-228: Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America Records. 1953-1958.
- MS-229: Walter Hart Blumenthal Papers. 1931.
- MS-230: Bernard G. Rudolph Papers. 1960-1970.
- MS-231: Aaron Lopez Papers. 1751-1783.
- MS-232: Matthew I. Derby Papers. 1955-1981.
- MS-233: Samuel H. Dresner Papers. 1968-1981.
- MS-234: Augustus Binswanger Papers. 1861-1933.
- MS-235: Samuel Solomon Ruderman Papers. 1930-1967.
- MS-236: Rebecca Gratz Collection. 1794-1869.
- MS-237: Leo Max Frank Papers. 1913-1965 (bulk 1913-1915).
- MS-238: Jewish Students Projects (Brandeis University) Records. 1966-1985.
- MS-239: Charles Strull Papers. 1930-1962.
- MS-240: Bernard Semel Papers. 1929-1952.
- MS-241: Louis Joseph Kopald Papers. 1912-1920.
- MS-242: Joseph Stolz Papers. 1844-1950 (bulk 1900-1930).
- MS-243: Harry Lashkowitz Papers. 1911-1966.
- MS-244: Israel Baruch Treiger Papers. 1931-1956.
- MS-245: Sh'ma, Inc. Records. 1970-1984.
- MS-246: Leo Morris Franklin Papers. 1893-1947.
- MS-247: Leopold Freudenthal Papers. 1878-1928.
- MS-248: Bernhard H. Gotthelf Papers. 1864-1878.
- MS-249: Felix Alexander Levy Papers. 1913-1960.
- MS-250: Camillus Angel Papers. 1916-1980.
- MS-251: Samuel Untermyer Papers. 1873-1952.
- MS-252: Julius A. Leibert Papers. 1924-1964.
- MS-253: Isadore E. Philo Papers. 1897-1944.
- MS-254: Proskauer Family Papers. 1863-1948.
- MS-255: Moritz Spitz Papers. 1870-1877.
- MS-256: Elkan Cohn Voorsanger Papers. 1914-1970.
- MS-257: Stephen Girard Papers. 1789-1829.
- MS-258: Leonard M. Palitz Papers. 1916-1933.
- MS-259: Jane Manner Papers. 1880-1952.
- MS-260: Guido Kisch Papers. 1933-1970.
- MS-261: Moses P. Jacobson Papers. 1897-1942.
- MS-262: Julian William Mack Papers. 1854-1975.
- MS-263: Henry Cohen Papers. 1875-1952.
- MS-264: Ferdinand K. Hirsch Papers. 1905-1957.
- MS-265: Benjamin Szold Papers. 1855-1902.
- MS-266: National Federation of Temple Youth Records. 1939-1974.
- MS-267: Abram Simon Papers. 1894-1938.
- MS-268: Joseph Gootman Papers. 1919-1962.
- MS-269: Simon Glazer Papers. 1900-1948.
- MS-270: Moses Lasky Papers. 1948-1982.
- MS-271: Morris M. Feuerlicht Papers. 1904-1959.
- MS-272: Minis Family Papers. 1737-1916.
- MS-273: Maurice Davis Papers. 1947-1985.
- MS-274: Celia S. Singer Papers. 1941-1980.
- MS-275: Samuel Horowitz Papers. 1934-1981.
- MS-276: Samuel S. Cohon Papers. 1905-1984 (bulk 1915-1959).
- MS-277: Carrie Davidson Papers. 1904-1955.
- MS-278: Julius Lewy Papers. 1911-1933.
- MS-279: Fred Richter Papers. 1976-1985.
- MS-280: George B. Lieberman Papers. 1929-1980.
- MS-281: Hashomer Hatzair, Zionist Youth Movement Records. 1923-1985.
- MS-282: Lilian Helen Montagu Papers. 1913-1961.
- MS-283: Lillian A. Friedberg Papers. 1913-1975.
- MS-284: B'nai B'rith Women Records. 1947-1985.
- MS-285: Jewish Radicalism in Los Angeles, California Collection. 1964-1985.
- MS-286: Grodno Relief Society of Boston (Boston, Mass.) Records. 1946-1949.
- MS-287: Brezner Beneficial Society of Boston (Boston, Mass.) Records. 1932-1949.
- MS-288: Bessarabian Society of Boston (Boston, Mass.) Records. 1927-1952.
- MS-289: Glen Manor Home for Jewish Aged (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1948-1965.
- MS-290: Anti-Semitism Collection. 1954-1964.
- MS-291: Beatrice Joseph Hammond Papers. 1913-1985.
- MS-292: Frank and Greenhall Family Papers. 1890-1987.
- MS-293: Mack Family Papers. 1890-1950.
- MS-294: Oscar Cohen Papers. 1955-1985 (bulk 1975-1985).
- MS-295: Joshua Trachtenberg Papers. 1930-1959.
- MS-296: Jacob Freedman Papers. 1925-1984.
- MS-297: Jessie Mayer Straus Papers. 1901-1957.
- MS-298: Congregation Beth Ahabah (Richmond, Va.) Records. 1789-1935.
- MS-299: Message of Israel Records. 1934-1993.
- MS-300: Robert A. Brower Papers. 1941-1945.
- MS-301: Allen Lesser Papers. 1932-1960.
- MS-302: Harmon Hendricks Papers. 1758-1840.
- MS-303: Beth Emet The Free Synagogue (Evanston, Ill.) Records. 1950-1962.
- MS-304: Galambos Family Papers. 1892-1948.
- MS-305: Murray Saltzman Papers. 1960-2010.
- MS-306: Hyman Tupper Greenwald Papers. 1930-1940.
- MS-307: Bertha V. Corets Papers. 1930-1965 (bulk 1933-1940).
- MS-308: Congregation Emanu-El B'ne Jeshurun (Milwaukee, Wis.) Records. 1880-1956.
- MS-309: Congregation B'nai B'rith (Wilkes-Barre, Pa.) Records. 1891-1970.
- MS-310: Hebrew Ladies Aid Society (Trinidad, Colo.) Records. 1910-1933.
- MS-311: Jacob David Schwarz Papers. 1880-1963.
- MS-312: Mazirer and Vicinity Relief Committee (Philadelphia, Pa.) Records. 1916-1952.
- MS-313: Abraham Spicehandler Papers. 1922-1963.
- MS-314: Morton Mayer Berman Papers. 1929-1976.
- MS-315: Sidney E. Unger Papers. 1928-1971.
- MS-316: Jewish Welfare Board Records. 1918-1919.
- MS-317: Donald L. Saferstein Papers. 1950-1956.
- MS-318: Congregation Aaron (Trinidad, Colo.) Records. 1883-1956.
- MS-319: Herbert T. Ezekiel Papers. 1888-1956.
- MS-320: David Neumark Papers. circa 1890-1951.
- MS-321: Heinrich Zirndorf Papers. 1832-1900.
- MS-322: Solomon L. Fridenberg Papers. 1900-1930.
- MS-323: Piliver-Podolier Society (Brooklyn, New York, N.Y.) Records. 1915-1951.
- MS-324: Adolph Simon Ochs Papers. 1861-1935.
- MS-325: Free Sons of Israel Records. 1849-1923.
- MS-326: William Zukerman Papers. 1927-1960.
- MS-327: Temple Beth Israel (Tacoma, Wash.) Records. 1890-1948.
- MS-328: Congregation Beth Jacob (Newburgh, N.Y.) Records. 1861-1924.
- MS-329: Temple B'nai Sholom (Huntsville, Ala.) Records. 1876-1948.
- MS-330: Spertus College of Judaica Records. 1963-1978.
- MS-331: B'nai B'rith Esora Lodge No. 236 (Huntsville, Ala.) Records. 1875-1950.
- MS-332: B'nai B'rith Braddock Lodge No. 516 (Braddock, Pa.) Records. 1901-1951.
- MS-333: Congregation Achduth Vesholom (Fort Wayne, Ind.) Records. 1861-1937.
- MS-334: Temple Israel (Omaha, Neb.) Records. 1883-1933.
- MS-335: Jewish Orphan Asylum and Foster Home (Philadelphia, Pa.) Records. 1874-1938.
- MS-336: Judaeans (Organization) Records. 1931-1970.
- MS-337: Louis Binstock Papers. 1933-1973.
- MS-338: Maurice Beck Hexter Papers. 1928-1938.
- MS-339: United Congregation of Israelites (Kingston, Jamaica) Records. 1884-1999.
- MS-340: Beatrice Sanders Papers. 1951-1986.
- MS-341: Western Association of Reform Rabbis Records. 1956-1973.
- MS-342: Arnold M. Sleutelberg Papers. 1917-1988.
- MS-343: Alexander Sissel Kohanski Papers. 1923-1983.
- MS-344: Edgar F. Magnin Papers. 1909-1984.
- MS-345: Temple Israel (West Lafayette, Ind.) Records. 1867-1980.
- MS-346: Arnold Posy Papers. Undated.
- MS-347: Latin American Jewish Studies Association Records. 1970-1995.
- MS-348: Adolphe Danziger De Castro Papers. 1895-1965.
- MS-349: Leon Felson Papers. 1953-1982.
- MS-350: Jews of Charleston, South Carolina, Collection. 1740-1865.
- MS-351: Central Conference of American Rabbis. Great Lakes Ohio Valley Region Records. 1961-1986.
- MS-352: Graenum Berger Papers. 1940-1989.
- MS-353: Frieda S. Rosett Papers. 1924-1984.
- MS-354: Michael G. Rapp Papers. 1972-1978.
- MS-355: Eliezer Naddor Papers. 1935-1985.
- MS-356: Joseph Lieberman Candidacy Sermon Collection. 2000.
- MS-357: Marjorie Rukeyser Papers. 1965-1967.
- MS-358: Allen Lesser Papers. 1936-1987.
- MS-359: Louis Marshall Papers. 1876-1929.
- MS-360: Solomon H. Sonneschein Papers. 1871-1893.
- MS-361: World Jewish Congress Records. 1918-1982 (bulk 1940-1980).
- MS-362: Northern Federation of Temple Youth Records. 1969-1972.
- MS-363: Ralph Marcus Papers. 1927-1956.
- MS-364: Solomon Henry Blank Papers. 1866-1965.
- MS-365: B'nai B'rith Anti-Defamation League Records. 1985-1987.
- MS-366: United Jewish Social Agencies (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1891-1950.
- MS-367: Congregation Shaaray Tefila (New York, N.Y.) Records. 1835-1908.
- MS-368: Hebrew Tabernacle Congregation (New York, N.Y.) Records. 1905-1938.
- MS-369: Baltimore Hebrew Congregation (Baltimore, Md.) Records. 1830-1977.
- MS-370: Temple Covenant of Peace (Easton, Pa.) Records. 1839-1949.
- MS-371: B'nai B'rith Isidor Bush Lodge No. 557 (Saint Louis, Mo.) Records. 1903-1905.
- MS-372: B'nai B'rith B'er Chayim Lodge No. 177 (Cumberland, Md.) Records. 1872-1887.
- MS-373: B'nai B'rith Trinidad Lodge No. 293 (Trinidad, Colo.) Records. 1878-1960.
- MS-374: B'nai B'rith Arnon Lodge No. 39 (New York, N.Y.) Records. 1859-1902.
- MS-375: B'nai B'rith New York Lodge No. 1 (New York, N.Y.) Records. 1855-1884.
- MS-376: B'nai B'rith Medad Lodge No. 216 (New York, N.Y.) Records. 1874-1892.
- MS-377: B'nai B'rith Gideon Lodge No. 140 (Albany, N.Y.) Records. 1870-1932.
- MS-378: B'nai B'rith Parkersburg Lodge No. 767 (Parkersburg, W. Va.) Records. 1915-1957.
- MS-379: Jewish Community Collection of Welch West Virginia. 1916-1955.
- MS-380: Jonah J. Goldstein Papers. 1929-1952.
- MS-381: George Alexander Kohut Papers. 1895-1965.
- MS-382: Jonas Phillips Papers. 1759-1827.
- MS-383: Lemann Family Papers. 1852-1965.
- MS-384: Ladies Hebrew Association (Baton Rouge, La.) Records. 1871-1923.
- MS-385: Congregation B'nai Israel (Baton Rouge, La.) Records. 1882-1944.
- MS-386: Labor Zionist Organization of America - Poale Zion Records. 1954-1969.
- MS-387: Temple Etz Ahayem (Montgomery, Ala.) Records. 1886-1969.
- MS-388: Jewish Publication Society of America Records. 1956-1969.
- MS-389: Judah L. Magnes Foundation Records. 1948-1971.
- MS-390: Leon Harrison Papers. 1905-1928.
- MS-391: Ladies Hebrew Benevolent Society (Vicksburg, Miss.) Records. 1906-1971.
- MS-392: Ladies Hebrew Social Circle (Harrisburg, Pa.) Records. 1870-1925.
- MS-393: Temple Sinai (Bellevue, Wash.) Records. 1962-1968.
- MS-394: Reconstructionist Rabbinical College Records. 1969-1977.
- MS-395: Alton S. Silver Papers. 1960-1965.
- MS-397: Temple Ohabei Shalom (Brookline, Mass.) Records. 1844-1970.
- MS-398: Jacob M. Morris Papers. 1912-1959.
- MS-399: Alexander Feinsilver Papers. 1955-1971.
- MS-400: Congregation Oheb Sholom (Reading, Pa.) Records. 1864-1923.
- MS-401: Jewish Community of Columbus, Mississippi Collection. 1872-1956.
- MS-402: Mollie Seletsky Papers. 1973-1976.
- MS-403: Joseph B. Nones Papers. 1812-1822.
- MS-404: Wolfe Macht Papers. 1918-1949.
- MS-405: In Remembrance. 1920-1989.
- MS-406: United Israel World Union Records. 1952-1966.
- MS-407: Jewish Chaplains Collection. 1962-1970.
- MS-408: Happy Workers (Charleston, S.C.) Records. 1889-1949.
- MS-409: Brazilian Jewish Oral History Project Records. 1979-1986.
- MS-410: Daniel M. Isaacman Papers. 1942-1958.
- MS-411: B'nai B'rith Philatelic Service Collection. 1970-.
- MS-412: Albert Gustavus Baum Papers. 1938-1970.
- MS-413: Talmud Yelodim Institute (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1849-1988.
- MS-414: National Council of Jewish Women (Charleston, N.C.) Records. 1907-1950.
- MS-415: Newark Yiddish Culture Circle (Newark, N.J.) Records. 1947-1955.
- MS-416: Phoenix Club (Baltimore, Md.) Records. 1886-1941.
- MS-417: Temple Israel (Marion, Ohio) Records. 1905-1960.
- MS-418: Leo Hershkowitz Collection. 1682-1723.
- MS-419: Temple Emanu-El (Bayonne, N.J.) Records. 1911-1947.
- MS-420: Temple Emanuel (Duluth, Minn.) Records. 1910-1964.
- MS-421: Congregation Gates of Prayer (New Orleans, La.) Records. 1870-1911.
- MS-422: Jewish Religious Education Association Records. 1913-1916.
- MS-423: Samuel Adler Papers. 1856-1873.
- MS-424: Joseph L. Baron Papers. 1916-1960.
- MS-425: Harford Jewish Center (Aberdeen, Md.) Records. 1955-1998.
- MS-426: Oak Park Temple (Oak Park, Ill.) Records. 1886-1966.
- MS-427: Congregation B'nai Israel (Parkersburg, W. Va.) Records. 1909-1956.
- MS-428: American Jewish Conference Records. 1943-1944.
- MS-429: Congregation Beth Emeth (Albany, N.Y.) Records. 1843-1907.
- MS-430: Perry E. Nussbaum Papers. 1932-1973.
- MS-431: Schwab Family Genealogical Charts. Late Twentieth Century.
- MS-432: David J. Goldberg Papers. 1974.
- MS-433: Moses Montefiore Papers. 1848-1885.
- MS-434: Weizmann Archives Collection. 1900-1952.
- MS-435: Solomon Bennett Freehof Papers. 1927-1983.
- MS-436: Isaac Mayer Wise Papers. 1838-1931.
- MS-437: Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York (New York, N.Y.) Records. 1981-1987.
- MS-438: Ellen Epstein Oral History Project. 1972-1989.
- MS-439: Alfred E. Lipsey Papers. 1990.
- MS-440: Isaak Atchik Papers. Undated.
- MS-441: Chicago Jewish Community Collection. 1895-1974.
- MS-442: Jason Meth Papers. 1938-1954.
- MS-443: Julius Rosenthal Papers. 1973-1975.
- MS-444: National Farm School Records. 1896-1921.
- MS-445: Charles Elizezer Hillel Kauvar Papers. 1912-1971.
- MS-446: Morris Fishel Papers. 1846-1928.
- MS-447: Harry B. Bacharach Papers. 1900-1933.
- MS-448: Leonce Joel Kosminsky Papers. 1928-1953.
- MS-449: Isaac Bacharach Papers. 1882-1956.
- MS-450: Emily Solis-Cohen Papers. 1930-1960.
- MS-451: Henry Joseph Papers. 1760-1783.
- MS-452: Jacob Ezekiel Papers. 1817-1921.
- MS-453: John Carter Brown Papers. 1759-1816.
- MS-454: Jewish Population Census Collection. 1850.
- MS-455: Philip Sandler Papers. 1940-1960.
- MS-456: Jacob H. Schiff Papers. 1865-1920 (bulk 1914-1920).
- MS-457: Felix M. Warburg Papers. 1910-1937.
- MS-458: Loewner Family Papers. 1854-1870.
- MS-459: Herman Gold Collection. 1800-1900.
- MS-460: Selwyn D. Ruslander Papers. 1902-1971 (bulk 1942-1969).
- MS-461: Benoit Fromenthal Papers. 1851-1890.
- MS-462: Zevi Hirsch Wolf Diesendruck Papers. 1926-1967.
- MS-463: Pike Family Papers. 1857-1872.
- MS-464: Abraham E. Frankland Papers. 1856-1873.
- MS-465: Jamaican Vital Statistics Collection. 1786-1950.
- MS-466: Charles B. Latz Papers. 1910-1947.
- MS-467: Solomons Family Papers. 1745-1922.
- MS-468: Bernard Louis Levinthal Papers. 1926-1945.
- MS-469: Adolph Huebsch Papers. 1850-1884.
- MS-470: David Burgheim Papers. Late Nineteenth Century.
- MS-471: Mount Zion Temple (Saint Paul, Minn.). 1857-1944.
- MS-472: Haymarket Square Riot Collection. 1887, 1956.
- MS-473: Bernhard Bettman Papers. 1846-1945.
- MS-474: Aaron Carlin Papers. 1919-1945.
- MS-475: Seligman Family Collection. 1931; 1945.
- MS-476: Congregation B'nai Zion (Danville, Pa.) Records. 1890-1946.
- MS-477: Philip Cowen Papers. 1882-1941.
- MS-478: Selig Adler Papers. 1921-1961 (bulk 1952-1960).
- MS-479: Irving Mayer Podet Papers. 1930-1950.
- MS-480: Myers Family Papers. 1766-1908.
- MS-481: Jewish Community Census Collection. 1878.
- MS-482: Philip Stein Papers. 1868-1922.
- MS-483: Merle Judith Marcus Papers. 1948-1965.
- MS-484: New York (N.Y.) Mayor's Court Records. 1674-1860.
- MS-485: Sophie Tucker Papers. 1911-1966.
- MS-486: Jack Segal Papers. 1965.
- MS-487: Temple Sinai (Oakland, Calif.) Records. 1875-1905.
- MS-488: Mexican Inquisition Collection. 1597-1634.
- MS-489: Harold N. Altman Papers. 1940-1966.
- MS-490: Leonard J. Rothstein Papers. 1914-1956.
- MS-491: Chancery Court of the City of Richmond Records. 1792-1910.
- MS-492: Ronald M. Goldstein Papers. 1949-1966.
- MS-493: Stanley Myer Isaacs Papers. 1935-1959.
- MS-494: Rudolph Grossman Papers. 1889-1927.
- MS-495: Leon Laizer Watters Papers. 1854-1968.
- MS-496: Maurice J. Bloom Papers. 1936-1945.
- MS-497: Pi Tau Pi Fraternity Records. 1914-1967.
- MS-498: Avraham Binyamin Zilberberg Papers. Circa 1930-1960.
- MS-499: Yiddish Theater Collection. Late Nineteenth/Early Twentieth Century.
- MS-500: Abraham J. Multer Papers. 1947-1967.
- MS-501: Jewish Conciliation Board of America Records. 1949-1972.
- MS-502: Jennie Franklin Purvin Papers. 1873-1958.
- MS-503: Rosewater Family Papers. 1858-1939.
- MS-505: Paramaribo (Surinam) Jewish Community Collection. 1772-1920.
- MS-507: Joseph Barondess Papers. 1912-1928.
- MS-508: B'nai B'rith District Grand Lodge No. 6 Records. 1851-1980.
- MS-509: William G. Braude Papers. 1930-1987.
- MS-510: Harry William Ettelson Sermons. 1920-1973.
- MS-511: Michael Aaronsohn Papers. 1915-1976.
- MS-512: Temple Sinai (New Orleans, La.) Records. 1870-1937.
- MS-513: Isaiah Sonne Papers. 1922-1960.
- MS-515: Jewish Community Center (White Plains, N.Y.) Records. 1923-1945.
- MS-516: Temple Israel (Tulsa, Okla.) Records. 1917-1940.
- MS-517: Congregation Rodeph Shalom (Philadelphia, Pa.) Records. 1802-1966.
- MS-518: Congregation Beth El (Albany, N.Y.) Records. 1847-1885.
- MS-519: Congregation Beth Israel (Atlantic City, N.J.) Records. 1891-1941.
- MS-520: Congregation Beth Israel (Austin, Tex.) Records. 1876-1945.
- MS-521: Har Sinai Congregation (Baltimore, Md.) Records. 1842-1884.
- MS-523: Congregation Beth Elohim (Brooklyn, New York, N.Y.) Records. 1861-1905.
- MS-524: Congregation Beth Zion (Buffalo, N.Y.) Records. 1866-1910.
- MS-525: Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim (Charleston, S.C.) Records. 1764-1977 (bulk 1800-1928).
- MS-526: Mizpah Congregation (Chattanooga, Tenn.) Records. 1894-1942.
- MS-527: Temple Beth El (Detroit, Mich.) Records. 1852-1930.
- MS-528: Temple Mount Sinai (El Paso, Tex.) Records. 1887-1949.
- MS-529: Congregation B'nai Israel (Elmira, N.Y.) Records. 1862-1929.
- MS-530: Temple B'nai Israel (Galveston, Tex.) Records. 1868-1958.
- MS-531: Congregation Tree of Life (Pittsburgh, Pa.) Records. 1858-1917.
- MS-532: Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation (Indianapolis, Ind.). 1856-1974.
- MS-533: Congregation B'nai Israel (Jackson, Tenn.) Records. 1912-1931.
- MS-534: Leonard B. Troupp Papers. 1956-1997.
- MS-535: Temple Beth El (Knoxville, Tenn.) Records. 1869-1921.
- MS-536: James H. Becker Papers. 1917-1927.
- MS-537: B'nai B'rith Sholem Lodge No. 78 (Leavenworth, Kan.) Records. 1866-1927.
- MS-538: Congregation Brith Sholom (Louisville, Ky.) Records. 1880-1915.
- MS-540: Temple B'nai Israel (Natchez, Miss.) Records. 1864-1940.
- MS-541: B'nai B'rith Ezra Lodge No. 134 (Natchez, Miss.) Records. 1878-1926.
- MS-542: Touro Synagogue (New Orleans, La.) Records. 1843-1922.
- MS-544: Central Synagogue (New York, N.Y.) Records. 1859-1932.
- MS-548: Ohef Sholom Temple (Norfolk, Va.) Records. 1867-1907.
- MS-551: Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel (Elkins Park, Pa.) Records. 1847-1952.
- MS-552: Congregation Mikveh Israel (Philadelphia, Pa.) Records. 1781-1936.
- MS-553: Rodef Shalom Temple (Pittsburgh, Pa.) Records. 1880-1912.
- MS-554: Temple Beth Israel (Portland, Or.) Records. 1865-1923.
- MS-555: Temple B'rith Kodesh (Rochester, N.Y.) Records. 1865-1936.
- MS-556: Eoff Street Temple (Wheeling, W. Va.) Records. 1849-1909.
- MS-557: Temple Beth Emeth (Brooklyn, N.Y.) Records. 1911-1934.
- MS-558: Eric Werner Papers. 1945-1948.
- MS-559: Bernard Mannes Baruch Papers. 1918-1962.
- MS-560: Waterman Family Papers. 1838-1942 (bulk 1838-1854).
- MS-562: Horace Joseph Wolf Papers. 1914-1926.
- MS-563: Charles Mantinband Papers. 1923-1968.
- MS-564: W.C. Lowdermilk Papers. 1969.
- MS-565: Thomas J. Tobias Papers. 1764-1950.
- MS-566: Leland H. Lifschiz Papers. 1933-1938.
- MS-567: Myers, Mordecai, and Hays Family Collection. 1804-1912.
- MS-568: Syracuse Hebrew School (Syracuse, N.Y.) Records. 1916-1943.
- MS-569: H. Miller Dairy Company (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1915-1987 (bulk 1915-1947).
- MS-570: Leon Schwarz Papers. 1872-1957.
- MS-571: Gerald Kaplan Papers. 1959-1991.
- MS-572: Congregation Beth Shalom (Brooklyn, New York, N.Y.) Records. 1949-1965.
- MS-573: Robert L. Katz Papers. 1960-1990.
- MS-574: Myles Martel Papers. 1974.
- MS-575: Kaplun Family Papers. 1935-1970.
- MS-577: B'nai B'rith Temple (Los Angeles, Calif.) Records. 1895-1909.
- MS-578: Philip Louis Seman Papers. 1897-1957.
- MS-580: Ladies Educational Aid Societies Rolls of Honor. 1877-1889.
- MS-581: Jewish Congregations in the West Indies Records. 1888-1908.
- MS-582: Jacob Sonderling Papers. 1868-1965.
- MS-583: Emma Lazarus Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs Records. 1921-1989 (bulk 1960-1985).
- MS-584: Samuel L. Haber Papers. 1920-1988 (bulk 1975-1984).
- MS-585: Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds Records. 1947-1988.
- MS-586: John Jay Tepfer Papers. 1898-1986.
- MS-587: Fannie Bloomfield-Zeisler Papers. 1882-1927.
- MS-588: Abraham L. Feinberg Papers. 1901-1990 (bulk 1930-1970).
- MS-589: Hebrew Orphan Society (Charleston, S.C.) Records. 1802-1947.
- MS-590: Hebrew Benevolent Society (Charleston, S.C.) Records. 1853-1959 (bulk 1867-1923).
- MS-591: Abraham Samuel Braude Papers. 1954-1992.
- MS-592: The Family History: A Comprehensive History and Documentation of the Dollinger-Levy family from 1792-1992. Circa 1992.
- MS-593: Elizabeth S. Plaut Papers. 1729-1995.
- MS-594: Mark Freeman Papers. 1954-1989.
- MS-595: Walter A. Davidson Papers. 1925-1981.
- MS-596: Isaac L. Leucht Papers. 1882-1913.
- MS-598: Herman E. Snyder Papers. 1916-1992 (bulk 1930-1970).
- MS-599: Isidor Goldberg Papers. 1908-1992 (bulk 1928-1951).
- MS-600: Isadore Tiep Papers. 1945-1965.
- MS-601: Leo Eliezer Turitz Papers. Circa 1975-1990.
- MS-602: Congregation Beth Shalom (East Liverpool, Ohio) Records. 1921-1969.
- MS-603: Rabbi Marc H. Tanenbaum Collection. 1945-1992 (bulk 1960-1990).
- MS-604: Albert J. Amateau Papers. 1937-1995.
- MS-605: New Hope Congregation (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1941-1994.
- MS-606: Big Apple Tzedekah Cooperative (New York, N.Y.) Records. 1976-1985.
- MS-607: Temple Beth Aaron (Billings, Mont.) Records. 1954-1978.
- MS-608: Temple Israel (Stockton, Calif.) Records. 1850-1990.
- MS-609: Brandeis University National Women's Committee (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1950-1991.
- MS-610: Current Topics Club (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1935-1999.
- MS-611: Chochem Club (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1948-1990.
- MS-612: Melvin Jay Glatt Papers. 1957-1993.
- MS-613: United Jewish Cemetery (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1850-1949.
- MS-614: Jack Lefkowitz Papers. 1940-1976.
- MS-615: Marie Syrkin Papers. 1915-1989.
- MS-616: Temple Israel (Dayton, Ohio) Records. 1909-1974 (bulk 1961-1974).
- MS-617: A. Irma Cohon Papers. 1918-1979.
- MS-618: Israel Bettan Papers. 1907-1976.
- MS-619: Community Relations Committee (Los Angeles, California) Records. 1938-1941.
- MS-620: George Vida Papers. 1939-1989.
- MS-621: Aaron Family Papers. 1880-1990.
- MS-622: Joseph L. Ginsberg Papers. 1939-1979.
- MS-623: Ralph H. Blumenthal Papers. 1937-1940.
- MS-624: Congregation Shari Eli (Philadelphia, Pa.) Records. 1909-1980 (bulk 1930-1970).
- MS-625: Samuel Schwartz Aronson Papers. 1914-1948.
- MS-626: Malcolm Henry Stern Papers. 1882-1994.
- MS-627: Miriam S. Mann Papers. 1941-1993.
- MS-628: Meyer Leon Prentis Papers. 1904-1989.
- MS-629: B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation (University of Cincinnati) Records. 1990-1998.
- MS-630: Alexander Moshe Schindler Papers. 1961-1996 (bulk 1973-1995).
- MS-631: David Polish Papers. 1928-1995.
- MS-632: Me'ayin Yavo Ezri: An Academic Exploration of Sources of Healing Within Judaism Conference Records. 1995.
- MS-633: Samuel Bergman Frank Papers. 1924-1990 (bulk 1957-1989).
- MS-634: Yad Charutzim-Tiferes Israel Congregation (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1925-1993 (bulk 1974-1993).
- MS-635: Alan Mayor Sokobin Papers. 1951-1994 (bulk 1972-1988).
- MS-636: Marion Stanley Slonimsky Papers. 1894-1924.
- MS-637: Henry Slonimsky Papers. 1920-1965.
- MS-638: United Order of True Sisters Records. 1864-1979.
- MS-639: E. B. M. Browne Papers. 1865-1929.
- MS-640: Theodore Tannenwald Jr. Papers. 1953-1998.
- MS-641: Temple Beth Shalom (Sun City, Ariz.) Records. 1969-2000.
- MS-642: Sidney H. Brooks Papers. 1871-1992.
- MS-643: Sheldon Ezring Papers. 1969-1983.
- MS-644: Pearlcasters Literary Club (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1931-1996.
- MS-645: Memoirs of Holocaust Survivors in Canada Collection. 1906-1984.
- MS-646: Leonard A. Greenberg Papers. 1879-1957 (bulk 1942-1957).
- MS-647: Herman Passamaneck Papers. 1917-1966.
- MS-648: Olin-Sang-Ruby Union Institute (Oconomowoc, Wis.) Records. 1941-2001.
- MS-649: Floyd S. Fierman Papers. 1940-1988.
- MS-650: David Lefkowitz Jr. Papers. 1934-1990.
- MS-651: B'nai Zion Congregation Records. 1940-1981.
- MS-652: Cincinnati Hadassah Chapter Records. 1921-1991.
- MS-653: Jakob J. Petuchowki Papers. 1942-1986.
- MS-654: Association of Jewish Center Workers Records. 1951-1986.
- MS-655: H. Leonard Poller Papers. 1960-1994.
- MS-656: Scholar's Conference on American Jewish History Records. 1996-1998.
- MS-657: Cincinnati Reform Jewish High School Records. 1982-2000.
- MS-658: Ignatz Roth Papers. 1869-1933.
- MS-659: Jacob Kabakoff Papers. 1879-1993.
- MS-660: Bernard J. Bamberger Papers. 1909-1979.
- MS-661: Harry Meyer Orlinsky Papers. 1928-1991.
- MS-662: Clarence E. Israel Papers. 1957-1985.
- MS-663: Alexander Guttmann Papers. 1908-1988.
- MS-664: Henry Cohen Papers. 1964-1993.
- MS-665: Greater Cincinnati Board of Rabbis (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1989-1999 (bulk 1991-1994).
- MS-666: Alan Solomon Papers. 1933-1998.
- MS-667: Iphigene Bettman Papers. 1900-1964.
- MS-668: Werner Weinberg Papers. 1950-1995.
- MS-669: Biblio Press Collection. 1978-2001.
- MS-670: Myron S. Goldman Union Camp Institute (Zionsville, Ind.) Records. 1961-1979.
- MS-671: Swig Camp Institute Records. 1964-1967.
- MS-672: Ernst Mordecai Lorge Papers. 1939-1990.
- MS-673: Joachim Prinz Papers. 1935-1980 (bulk 1965-1977).
- MS-674: September 11 Sermon Collection. 2001.
- MS-675: Richard C. Hertz Papers. 1946-1999.
- MS-676: Jews of Cincinnati Collection. 1824-1989.
- MS-677: Central Conference of American Rabbis Task Force on Women in the Rabbinate Records. 1976-1991.
- MS-678: Combined Generations of the Holocaust Records. 1963-1989.
- MS-679: Jerome D. Folkman Papers. 1928-1992.
- MS-680: Tartak Learning Center Records. 1926-2000.
- MS-681: Sylvia R. Jacobson Papers. 1939-1994.
- MS-682: Sanford E. Rosen Papers. 1945-1981.
- MS-683: Louis Harap Papers. 1904-1989.
- MS-684: Robert C. and Jean Rothenberg Papers. 1879-2005.
- MS-685: Richard L. Rubenstein Papers. 1941-1992.
- MS-686: Judea B. Miller Papers. 1947-1995.
- MS-687: American Jewish Archives Records. 1937-1998.
- MS-688: Srere Congregation (Los Angeles, Calif.) Records. 1923-1955.
- MS-689: Women of Reform Judaism, District 3 Records. 1924-1997.
- MS-690: Harold Orbach Papers. 1951-2001.
- MS-691: Joseph Solomon Papers. 1927-1996.
- MS-692: Mordecai S. Yardeini Papers. 1908-1982.
- MS-693: Jacob Kestin Shankman Papers. 1920-1983.
- MS-694: Ahron Opher Papers. 1929-1994.
- MS-695: David M. Klein Collection. 1860-1935.
- MS-696: Congregation Beth Adam (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1980-2002.
- MS-697: Solomon S. Simonson Papers. 1934-1991.
- MS-698: Dennery Family Papers. 1813-2000.
- MS-699: David Z. Ben-Ami Papers. 1952-2002.
- MS-700: Sigmund S. Hecht Papers. 1877-1919.
- MS-701: Amos: The National Jewish Partnership for Social Justice Records. 1991-2002.
- MS-702: Edward E. Klein Papers. 1937- 1985.
- MS-703: American Jewish Committee (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1966-1991.
- MS-704: Roland Bertram Gittelsohn Papers. 1934-1996.
- MS-705: Max Nussbaum Papers. 1928-1974.
- MS-706: Board of Jewish Education of Greater New York (New York, N.Y.) Records. 1920-1982.
- MS-707: Siegfried Deutsch Papers. 1916-1979.
- MS-708: Don Canaan Papers. 1986-2010.
- MS-709: Morris N. Kertzer Papers. 1936-1983.
- MS-710: Temple B'nai Jeshurun (Leavenworth, Kan.) Records. 1895-1960.
- MS-711: Moses A. Shulvass Papers. 1934-1986.
- MS-712: United States Holocaust Museum Committee Collection of Alfred Gottschalk. 1978-2000.
- MS-713: Temple Israel (Blytheville, Ark.) Records. 1923-2003.
- MS-714: Julius Chajes Papers. 1934-1985.
- MS-715: Congregation B'nai Jehudah (Kansas City, Mo.) Records. 1870-1989.
- MS-716: Freiberg Family Papers. 1900-2003.
- MS-717: Ohev Israel Temple (Newark, Ohio) Records. 1936-1998.
- MS-718: Harold Saperstein Papers. 1930-1998.
- MS-719: Association of Orthodox Jewish Teachers of the New York City Public Schools Records. 1963-2003.
- MS-720: Norma U. Levitt Papers. 1945-2005.
- MS-721: Skirball Institute on American Values Records. 1984-2003.
- MS-722: Richard J. Israel Papers. 1949-2000.
- MS-723: Ann Fabe Isaacs Papers. 1940-1991.
- MS-724: Alan Singer Green Papers. 1928-1989.
- MS-725: Selig Salkowitz Papers. 1969-2000.
- MS-726: Stanley Franklin Chyet Papers. 1952-2001.
- MS-727: Edward Sanders Papers. 1968-1997.
- MS-728: Temple Beth El of Northern Westchester (Chappaqua, N.Y.) Records. 1951-2000.
- MS-729: Jerome R. Malino Papers. 1911-2002.
- MS-730: Sheldon Haas Blank Papers. 1917-1976.
- MS-731: North Shore Congregation Israel (Glencoe, Ill.) Records. 1924-1999.
- MS-732: Roselawn Synagogue (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1952-2006.
- MS-733: Phearson Family Collection. 1909-1922.
- MS-734: Arthur G. King Papers. 1938-2002.
- MS-735: Roy Rosenberg Papers. 1948-2000.
- MS-736: Theodore S. and Ina Rae Levy Papers. 1937-2005.
- MS-737: Greater Chicago Jewish Folk Arts Festival (Chicago, Ill.) Records. 1980-2004.
- MS-738: Sefton D. Temkin Papers. 1932-1994.
- MS-739: Eugene Mihaly Papers. 1954-1993.
- MS-740: Mordecai Soloff Papers. 1927-1992.
- MS-741: Abraham Friedland Papers. 1927-1944.
- MS-742: Temple B'nai Abraham (Newark, N.J.) Records. 1924-1975.
- MS-743: Gunther W. Plaut Papers. 1934-1994.
- MS-744: Jewish Federation of Cincinnati (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1904-2005.
- MS-745: Jane Evans Papers. 1921-2001.
- MS-747: Louis Feinberg Papers. 1909-1948.
- MS-748: Ben Rosen Photographs. 1920-2000.
- MS-749: Hannah G. Solomon Family Collection. 1867-2001.
- MS-750: Katharine Slohm Auslender Papers. 1934-1956.
- MS-751: Temple Emeth (Ardmore, Okla.) Records. 1950-2004.
- MS-752: William H. Greenburg Papers. 1909-1918, Undated.
- MS-753: Nahum M. Sarna Papers. 1934-2004.
- MS-754: Lewis-Stein Family Papers. 1869-1983.
- MS-755: Morris I. Mendeloff Papers. 1917-1967.
- MS-756: Congregation Emanu-El (New York, N.Y.) Records. 1980-1989, 2004-2007.
- MS-757: Celebrate 350 Records. 1998-2006.
- MS-758: Records on the Jewish Agricultural Society, Inc. Loans. 1921-1963.
- MS-759: National Association of Retired Reform Rabbis Records. 1982-2000.
- MS-760: Robert M. Bleiweiss Papers. 1931-2001 (bulk 1978-1998).
- MS-761: Cincinnati Bureau of Jewish Education (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1890-1998.
- MS-762: Temple Beth Sholom (Middletown, Ohio) Records. 1938-1985.
- MS-763: Herbert A. Friedman Papers. 1940-2005.
- MS-764: American Conference of Cantors (Chicago, Ill.) Records. 1951-2005.
- MS-765: Abraham W. Binder Papers. 1924-1969.
- MS-766: Benny Kraut Papers. 1934-1984.
- MS-767: Union for Reform Judaism Records. 1952-2005.
- MS-768: Abraham Zygielbaum Papers. 1919-1986.
- MS-769: Women of Reform Judaism, District 20 Records. 1922-2008.
- MS-770: Fradle Pomerantz Freidenreich Papers. 1910-1960.
- MS-771: Paul M. Foer Breira Collection. 1975-1984.
- MS-772: Shad and Justine Wise Polier Phonograph Record Collection. 1948-1964.
- MS-773: Moses B. Sachs Papers. 1945-1947.
- MS-774: International Association of Jewish Vocational Services Records. 1939-2009.
- MS-775: Coalition for the Advancement of Jewish Education Records. 1976-2008.
- MS-776: Balfour Brickner Papers. 1951-2005 (bulk 1970-2000).
- MS-777: Stephan F. Barack Papers. 1970-2007.
- MS-778: Joseph and Barton Cohen Papers. 1902-2005.
- MS-779: Stephen Wise Free Synagogue Records. 1944-2003.
- MS-780: American Jewish Committee Records. 1917-1987 (bulk 1933-1984).
- MS-781: Congregation B'nai Israel (Williamson, West Virginia) Records. 1913-1988.
- MS-782: A. James Rudin Papers. 1958-1968.
- MS-783: Temple Israel (Charleston, W. Va.) Records. 1874-1960.
- MS-784: Beth Israel The West Temple (Cleveland, Ohio) Records. 1910-2008 (bulk 1954-2008).
- MS-786: Alvin Jay Reines Papers. 1943-2003 (bulk 1960-1985).
- MS-787: Tom L. Freudenheim Papers. 1958-1989 (bulk 1972-1989).
- MS-788: Kenneth A. Kanter Music Collection. 1890-1940.
- MS-789: The Board (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1964-2003.
- MS-790: Lawrence N. Mahrer Papers. 1966-2006.
- MS-791: Samuel M. Blumenfield Papers. Circa 1940-1960.
- MS-792: Abie I. Ingber Papers. 1830-2005.
- MS-793: Stanley J. Garfein Papers. 1970-2001 (bulk 1990-2001).
- MS-794: Stanley J. Waxman Papers. 1960-1990.
- MS-795: Bruce J. Pfeffer Papers. 2003-2009.
- MS-796: Moshe Knapheys Papers. 1965-1975.
- MS-797: Michael A. Robinson Papers. 1955-2001.
- MS-798: Moshe Pelli Papers. 1926-1998.
- MS-799: Nathan Hilu Papers. 1945-1957.
- MS-800: National Association of Jewish Chaplains Records. 1991-2011.
- MS-801: Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1957-1978.
- MS-802: Naftali Levine Papers. 1915-1947.
- MS-803: Lawrence P. Karol Research Materials. 1921-1981.
- MS-804: Michael A. Meyer Papers. 1967-1985 (bulk 1970-1980).
- MS-805: Walter G. Peiser Manuscripts. 1972-1989.
- MS-806: Larry Kaplan Papers. 1971-1987 (bulk 1983-1986).
- MS-807: David B. Weisberg Papers. 1994-2003.
- MS-808: Matthew J. Eisenberg Papers. 1919-1991.
- MS-809: Gerson B. Levi Papers. 1906-1938.
- MS-810: Arnold S. Stiebel Thesis Research Materials. Circa 1978-1982.
- MS-811: Kenneth B. Block Papers. 1974-1999 (bulk 1980-1985).
- MS-812: David J. Zucker Papers. 1958-1992 (bulk 1972-1992).
- MS-813: Morrison D. Bial Papers. 1970-1980.
- MS-814: Neil Brief Papers. 1962-1970.
- MS-815: Edward Paul Cohn Correspondence. 1974-2003.
- MS-816: Abram V. Goodman Papers. 1930-1950 (bulk 1947-1950).
- MS-817: Kerry M. Olitzky Research Materials. 1993-1995.
- MS-818: Aaron Wise Papers. 1960-1980.
- MS-819: Stanley Dreyfus Papers. 1935-2008 (bulk 1960-2001).
- MS-820: Ida Selavan Schwarcz Papers. 1889-1995.
- MS-821: Herbert Bronstein Papers. 1952-1997.
- MS-822: Erwin Herman Papers. 1947-2008 (bulk 1970-2000).
- MS-823: Stuart M. Geller Papers. 1972-1995 (bulk 1985-1995).
- MS-824: Arthur Plaut Papers. 1951-1973 1957-1965.
- MS-825: Milton L. Grafman Papers. 1929-1995 (bulk: 1950-1970).
- MS-827: Philip T. Cohen Papers. 1962-1992.
- MS-828: Peretz (Perry) Milbauer Correspondence. 1943-1945.
- MS-829: Ben Zion Wacholder Papers. 1939-2011 (bulk 1960-1980).
- MS-830: Harvey Gotliffe Research Materials. 1996-2004.
- MS-831: Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Foundation Records, 1980-2008 (bulk 1988-2002).
- MS-832: Elias Family Papers. 1890-1990.
- MS-833: David L. Zielonka Papers. 1924-1977.
- MS-834: David M. Zielonka Papers. 1957-1991 (bulk 1957-1971).
- MS-835: Joseph Levine Papers. 1947-1972 (bulk 1950-1960).
- MS-836: Isaac Imber Papers. 1927-1989 1927-1964.
- MS-837: Simeon J. Maslin Papers. 1980-1990.
- MS-838: Jerome W. Grollman Papers. 1948-1988.
- MS-839: Louis Newman Papers. 1936-2006.
- MS-840: Leon A. Rosenfield, Jr. Papers. 1927-2007 (bulk 1952-1980).
- MS-841: Hyman Horowitz Papers. 1920-1960.
- MS-842: Bloom Family Papers. 1875-1980 (bulk 1901-1940).
- MS-843: Dudley Weinberg Papers. 1937-1975 (bulk 1971-1975).
- MS-844: William J. Leffler II Papers. 1966-1986.
- MS-845: Samuel D. Berger Papers. 1927-1996 (bulk 1953-1972).
- MS-846: Robert P. Tabak Papers. 1964-2011 (bulk 1975-1995).
- MS-847: Irving Riskin Music Collection. 1960-1974.
- MS-848: United Jewish Communities Records. 1995-1999.
- MS-849: Felson Family Papers. 1901-2001.
- MS-851: Nachum and Sham Gootman Eden Papers. 1911-2003 (bulk 1960-2000).
- MS-852: Big Brothers/Big Sisters Association of Cincinnati Records. 1913-2010 (bulk 1950-2000).
- MS-853: Robert I. Kahn Papers. 1935-2000 (bulk 1950-1970).
- MS-854: Samuel L. Finn Scrapbooks. 1908-1968 (bulk 1947-1968).
- MS-855: Sidney J. Jacobs Papers. 1922-2001 (bulk 1940-1990).
- MS-856: Society of Jewish Bibliophiles Records. 1961-1983 (bulk 1961-1965).
- MS-857: Jonathan Marshall Papers. 1944-2008.
- MS-858: Bernard H. Mehlman Papers. 1967-2000 (bulk 1978-1999).
- MS-859: Rav A. Soloff Papers. 1943-1996 (bulk 1970-1990).
- MS-860: Albert M. Shulman Papers. 1926-1990.
- MS-861: Hyman Haves Papers. 1984-2000.
- MS-862: Eugene J. Lipman Papers. 1936-1998 (bulk 1961-1989).
- MS-863: Hollace A. Weiner Research Materials for Jewish Stars in Texas. 1870's-1997 (bulk 1870's-1920's).
- MS-864: Daniel Missner Diaries. 1958-2004.
- MS-865: Lester W. Roubey Papers. 1938-1994.
- MS-866: Joseph M. Papo Research Materials. 1926-1992 (bulk 1970-1987).
- MS-867: David Mazer Papers. 20th Century.
- MS-868: Richard G. Hirsch Papers. 1957-2009 (bulk 1991-2009).
- MS-869: Harry L. Rosenfeld Papers. 1977-2010.
- MS-870: Paul M. Steinberg Papers. 1940-2004 (bulk 1980-2004).
- MS-871: Herbert H. Paper Papers. 1937-1999 (bulk 1960-1984).
- MS-872: Wexner Foundation Records. 1986-2006.
- MS-873: Religious Action Center Records. 1923-2000 (bulk 1960-1990).
- MS-874: Alan D. Bennett Papers. 1937-2010.
- MS-875: Eugene B. Borowitz Papers. 1945-1999.
- MS-876: Women of Reform Judaism. Atlantic District Records. 1982-2006.
- MS-877: Women of Reform Judaism. Midwest District Records. 1947-2006.
- MS-878: Shalom Family Time Capsule. December 2012.
- MS-879: Jewish Community Center (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1951-2001.
- MS-880: North Shore Oral History Project. 1997-2002.
- MS-882: Temple Bulletin Collection. 20th to 21st century.
- MS-883: Altshool Family Genealogical Collection. Undated.
- MS-884: Benjamin Witten Papers. 1916-1976.
- MS-885: Jacob Sheiniuk Collection. circa 1980.
- MS-886: Irving I. Hausman Sermons. 1943-1967.
- MS-887: Elijah E. Palnick Sermons. 1959-1999.
- MS-888: Leo Fields Papers. 1966-2000.
- MS-889: Jewish Vocational Service (Cincinnati, Ohio) Records. 1939-2012.
- MS-890: Jacob Neusner Papers. 1950-2015.
- MS-892: Temple Beth El (Corsicana, Tex.) Records. 1902-1985, undated.
- MS-893: Judith Bluestein Papers. 1980-2014.
- MS-894: Alvan D. Rubin Papers. 1952-2000.
- MS-895: Sandy Eisenberg Sasso Papers. 1970-2015.
- MS-896: Phyllis R. Sutker Papers. 1956-2006.
- MS-899: International Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism Records. 1984-2016, undated.
- MS-900: B'nai B'rith International Archives. 1843-2015, undated.
- MS-904: Israelow Family Records. 1923-2016.
- MS-905: Association for Jewish Studies Records. 1969-2006.
- MS-906: Shirley Troyan Joseph Papers. 1957-2012 (bulk 1970-2000).
- MS-908: Sidney G. Kusworm Papers. 1902-1965 (bulk 1918-1955).
- MS-910: John F. Kennedy Assassination Collection. 1960-1985, undated.
- MS-912: Ezra Spicehandler Papers. 1935-2008, undated (bulk 1960-1990).
- MS-913: Martin P. and Doris J. Beifield Correspondence. 1943-1945.
- MS-914: Benjamin Gettler Papers. 1965-2013.
- MS-915: Joshua O. Haberman Papers. 1926-2017.
- MS-916: The Alfred J. Barnston Stamp Collection. 1940-1996.
- MS-917: Julius Mark Papers. 1918-1977 (bulk dates 1922-1968).
- MS-918: Hoffheimer and Seasongood Family Collection. 1777, 1823-2010, undated (bulk dates 1900-1945).
- MS-919: Albert A. Goldman Papers. 1928-2007, undated (bulk dates 1980-1995).
- MS-920: Sy Syms Papers. 1944-2012.
- MS-921: Siegel-Rubin Family Genealogy Papers. 1820-2020 (bulk dates 1880-2017).
- MS-922: Julian B. Venezky Collection. 1937-2012.
- MS-923: Bloom, Wiener, and Fischer Family Collection. 1850-1999, undated.
- MS-924: Justin and Frances Friedman Collection. 1921-1993 (bulk dates 1943-1945).
- MS-925: Shirley and Morris Mersky Collection. 1872-1998 (bulk dates 1943-1945).
- MS-926: Louis Rosenblum Papers. 1963-2008 (bulk dates 1964-1980).
- MS-927: B'nai Sholom Temple (Quincy, Ill.) Records. 1841-2018.